




 \graphicspath{ {images/} }

 % I've create a boolean to control the presence of the diamond (and subsequently     
 % where the page numbers are placed.  If "true", the diamond will be rendered and    
 % the page numbers will appear in the diamond.  If "false", the diamond will not     
 % be rendered and the page numbers will appear on the bottom of the page.  See       
 % the code where I call the booleans to modify this behavior.  Overall, I've tried   
 % to divorce the formatting for rules and diamonds from the placement of the diamond.

 %% load the packages and libraries for creating the notebook pages                   

 %% create the styles for the nodes                                                   
 \tikzset{my page number format/.style={font=\small\itshape},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black!20},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black!80},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black},
     header using a diamond format/.style={diamond,draw,my page number format,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1.3cm},
     header without diamond format/.style={inner sep=0pt},
     header tail format/.style={double=white}

 %% set up lengths to set up the environment.  Need these lengths because             
 %% everything has to be set up prior to the first page being shipped out.            
 %% That is, the ruled page is created before TikZ has any page nodes/coordinates     
 %% to work with.                                                                     
 %% Here's the primary macro which generates the actual ruled paper.                  
 %% It takes two argument which are directions: {east}{west} or {west}{east}          
     \coordinate                  (my top west)     at (0,0);
     \coordinate                  (my top east)    at (\myruledpagewidth,0);
     \coordinate                  (my bottom west)  at (0,-\myruledpageheightl);
     \coordinate                  (my bottom east) at (\myruledpagewidth,-\myruledpageheightl);

     %% by setting the bounding box, it'll be easier to place the ruled page
     %% later and not worry about things (like possibly the diamond) which  
     %% would change the dimensions of the bounding box.                    
     \path[use as bounding box] (my top west) rectangle (my bottom east);

     %% The following two lines control how the "dia" node is rendered.     
       \node[header using a diamond format] (dia)  at (my top #1) {};

       \node[header without diamond format] (dia)  at (my top #1) {};

     \coordinate                  (tail) at (my top #2);

     %% The following lines will respect your decision about how the
     %% diamond is rendered (if at all)                             
     \draw[dark black lines]    (dia.south)  -- (my bottom #1);
     \draw[dark black lines]   (tail.south) -- (my bottom #2);
     \draw[dark black lines] (dia.#2)     -- (tail);

     \foreach \x in {0,1,...,26} {%%
       \draw[dark black lines] ($(my bottom east)+(0,\x*0.9cm)$)
                                ($(my bottom west)+(0,\x*0.9cm)$);


 %% Here I set up the boxes that will greatly increase the speed for                  
 %% compiling this document.                                                          



 %% I've created separate macro for the ruled page and the page numbering             
 %% to make it a bit easier to change either without effecting the other.             
   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
     \node[anchor=north #2,inner sep=0pt] at (current page header area.#1 #2) { \usebox{\csname ruledpage@#1@#2\endcsname}};


   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
       \node[my page number format] at (current page header area.#1) {\thepage};
       \node[my page number format] at (current page text area.#1) {\thepage};


 %% Setting up the header and footers                                                 

 %% These next three lines control the position of the page number        
   %% page number on either the left or right hand side of the top        
   \fancyhead[OL]{\aePlacePageNumber{south east}}
   \fancyhead[ER]{\aePlacePageNumber{south west}}
   %% page number in the bottom, centered                                 

 \fancyfoot[RE,LO]{} % other info in "inner" position of footer line


             \node[opacity=\myopacity] {\includegraphics[scale=0.025]{aaa.jpg}};


   \foreach \y in {1, 2, ..., 50} { \makebox{}\clearpage}


我应该指出,这仅供个人使用,我在此链接中找到了笔记本样式的代码: 这是我找到笔记本代码的链接,但我对其进行了稍微的编辑






您可以使用宏中的 hshift 和 vshift 选项更改图像的位置\backgroundsetup。您必须小心,因为您指定了scale=20,所以您必须将所有所需的移位除以 20。如果您希望奇数页和偶数页上的移位不同,您可以使用包ifthen来测试页码并backgroundsetup在偶数页和奇数页上使用不同的调用。您必须将其放在序言中,然后放在\AddEverypageHook宏中,如background包文档中所述。


\usepackage[angle=0,scale=20,opacity=1,color=black, contents={}]{background}

                 \node[opacity=\myopacity] {\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.025]{example-image-a}}};
                 \node[opacity=\myopacity] {\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.025]{example-image-b}}};


 \graphicspath{ {images/} }

 % I've create a boolean to control the presence of the diamond (and subsequently     
 % where the page numbers are placed.  If "true", the diamond will be rendered and    
 % the page numbers will appear in the diamond.  If "false", the diamond will not     
 % be rendered and the page numbers will appear on the bottom of the page.  See       
 % the code where I call the booleans to modify this behavior.  Overall, I've tried   
 % to divorce the formatting for rules and diamonds from the placement of the diamond.

 %% load the packages and libraries for creating the notebook pages                   

 %% create the styles for the nodes                                                   
 \tikzset{my page number format/.style={font=\small\itshape},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black!20},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black!80},
     dark black lines/.style={line width=0.5pt,black},
     header using a diamond format/.style={diamond,draw,my page number format,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1.3cm},
     header without diamond format/.style={inner sep=0pt},
     header tail format/.style={double=white}

 %% set up lengths to set up the environment.  Need these lengths because             
 %% everything has to be set up prior to the first page being shipped out.            
 %% That is, the ruled page is created before TikZ has any page nodes/coordinates     
 %% to work with.                                                                     
 %% Here's the primary macro which generates the actual ruled paper.                  
 %% It takes two argument which are directions: {east}{west} or {west}{east}          
     \coordinate                  (my top west)     at (0,0);
     \coordinate                  (my top east)    at (\myruledpagewidth,0);
     \coordinate                  (my bottom west)  at (0,-\myruledpageheightl);
     \coordinate                  (my bottom east) at (\myruledpagewidth,-\myruledpageheightl);

     %% by setting the bounding box, it'll be easier to place the ruled page
     %% later and not worry about things (like possibly the diamond) which  
     %% would change the dimensions of the bounding box.                    
     \path[use as bounding box] (my top west) rectangle (my bottom east);

     %% The following two lines control how the "dia" node is rendered.     
       \node[header using a diamond format] (dia)  at (my top #1) {};

       \node[header without diamond format] (dia)  at (my top #1) {};

     \coordinate                  (tail) at (my top #2);

     %% The following lines will respect your decision about how the
     %% diamond is rendered (if at all)                             
     \draw[dark black lines]    (dia.south)  -- (my bottom #1);
     \draw[dark black lines]   (tail.south) -- (my bottom #2);
     \draw[dark black lines] (dia.#2)     -- (tail);

     \foreach \x in {0,1,...,26} {%%
       \draw[dark black lines] ($(my bottom east)+(0,\x*0.9cm)$)
                                ($(my bottom west)+(0,\x*0.9cm)$);


 %% Here I set up the boxes that will greatly increase the speed for                  
 %% compiling this document.                                                          



 %% I've created separate macro for the ruled page and the page numbering             
 %% to make it a bit easier to change either without effecting the other.             
   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
     \node[anchor=north #2,inner sep=0pt] at (current page header area.#1 #2) { \usebox{\csname ruledpage@#1@#2\endcsname}};


   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
       \node[my page number format] at (current page header area.#1) {\thepage};
       \node[my page number format] at (current page text area.#1) {\thepage};


 %% Setting up the header and footers                                                 

 %% These next three lines control the position of the page number        
   %% page number on either the left or right hand side of the top        
   \fancyhead[OL]{\aePlacePageNumber{south east}}
   \fancyhead[ER]{\aePlacePageNumber{south west}}
   %% page number in the bottom, centered                                 

 \fancyfoot[RE,LO]{} % other info in "inner" position of footer line



   \foreach \y in {1, 2, ..., 3} { \makebox{}\clearpage}

