





%%Style of Chapter
{\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}{Chapter \thechapter:\ }{0em}{}


%%To create the new section

%With the same style of chapter
{\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}{Custom Chapter \thecustomchapter:\ }{0em}{}


%%%%%Style on ToC%%%%%

\renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries\color{green}} %Green style

\renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\color{red}}    %Style


\part{Part 1}
\chapter{Default Chapter}
\chapter{Another Default Chapter}
\customchapter{Custom Chapter}That should start the counter from 0 (or A)

我曾经想过类似的事情\customchapter*{Custom Chapter}\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Custom Chapter \Alph{customchapter}: Custom Chapter},但是这样一来,所有的柜台都会被破坏。



我并不特别热衷于使用titlesec/titletoc包(实际上,我得说我相当笨),但是,由于已经 7 个小时没有发布答案,所以我会尝试写一个。正如我所说,我将使用titletoc, 而不是tocloft

这里的主要问题是,\part命令不是.toc文件写入 形式的条目\numberline{...}...,就像\chapter命令那样;这会弄乱使用命令(重新)定义的 ToC 条目的格式\titlecontents。我的解决方法是使用粗暴的 hack。


这是我的代码(文本是但丁·阿利吉耶里的引文地狱, 当然):

\documentclass[a4paper]{book} % I'm using 10-point size for this example
% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % I prefer to stick to 7-bit ASCII
\usepackage[italian]{babel}   % I'm Italian too! (;-)

%%Style of Chapter
    [display]                           % shape
    {\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}         % format
    {\chaptertitlename~\thechapter:\ }  % label
    {0em}                               % sep
    {}                                  % before-code

\titlespacing{\chapter} % unstarred = indentfirst
    {0pt}{0pt}{6pt} % left- / before- / after-sep

%%To create the new section
\newcommand*{\customchaptername}{Capitolo jolly}

%With the same style of chapter
    [display]                           % shape
    {\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}         % format
    {\customchaptername~\thecustomchapter:\ }  % label
    {0em}                               % sep
    {}                                  % before-code
    [\markboth{}]                       % after-code

    {0pt}{0pt}{6pt} % left- / before- / after-sep


%%%%%Style on ToC%%%%%

%% Part %%
% \renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries\color{green}} %Green style

% The toc line format for part must be tweaked in order to account for the 
% special format of the line contained in the ".toc" file:
    [0pt]   % left-indent should be zero
    {% above-code
        \medbreak % for example
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        % never used, however a fallback definition is provided
        \contentslabel{0pc}% should be equal to left-indent, see above
        % leave empty
    }{% page-format
    }[% below-code

%% Chapter %%
% \renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\color{red}}    %Style
    [1.5em] % left-indent; change as you see fit
    {% above-code
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        \contentslabel{1.5em}% should be equal to left-indent, see above
        \hspace*{1.5em}% same remark as preceding argument applies
    }{% page-format

%% Custom Chapter %%
    [0pt]   % left-indent; change as you see fit
    {% above-code
        \medbreak % for example
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        \def\numberline##1{##1\hspace{1em}}% >>> CRUDE HACK <<<
        % leave empty
    }{% page-format




Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ch\'{e} 
la diritta via era smarrita.

\chapter{Dubbi di Dante}
Lo giorno se ne andava, e l'aere bruno toglieva gli animai che sono in terra 
dalle fatiche loro.

\customchapter{Il primo capitolo jolly}
Dovrebbe cominciare la numerazione da~<<A>>.

\chapter{Ingresso all'Inferno}
Per me si va nella citt\`{a} dolente, per me si va nell'etterno dolore, per me 
si va tra la perduta gente.
Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.
Ed ecco verso noi venir per nave un vecchio, bianco per antico pelo, gridando 
<<Guai a voi, anime prave!>>

\customchapter{Un altro capitolo jolly}
Deve essere numerato~<<B>>.

Ruppemi l'alto sonno nella testa un greve truono, s\'{\i} ch'io mi riscossi,
come persona ch'\`{e} per forza desta.



根据 OP 的要求,修改后的代码:

\documentclass[a4paper]{book} % I'm using 10-point size for this example
% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % I prefer to stick to 7-bit ASCII
\usepackage[italian]{babel}   % I'm Italian too! (;-)

%%Style of Chapter
    [display]                           % shape
    {\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}         % format
    {\chaptertitlename~\thechapter:\ }  % label
    {0em}                               % sep
    {}                                  % before-code

\titlespacing{\chapter} % unstarred = indentfirst
    {0pt}{0pt}{6pt} % left- / before- / after-sep

%%To create the new section
\newcommand*{\customchaptername}{Capitolo jolly}

%With the same style of chapter
    [display]                           % shape
    {\color{red}\bfseries\Huge}         % format
    {\customchaptername~\thecustomchapter:\ }  % label
    {0em}                               % sep
    {}                                  % before-code
    [\markboth{}]                       % after-code

    {0pt}{0pt}{6pt} % left- / before- / after-sep


%%%%%Style on ToC%%%%%

%% Part %%
% \renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries\color{green}} %Green style

% The toc line format for part must be tweaked in order to account for the 
% special format of the line contained in the ".toc" file:
    [0pt]   % left-indent should be zero
    {% above-code
        \medbreak % for example
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        % never used, however a fallback definition is provided
        \partname~\contentslabel{0pc}% should be equal to left-indent, see above
        \FormatPartToCLine % or just "\partname~", sparing one macro!
    }{% page-format
    }[% below-code

%% Chapter %%
% \renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\color{red}}    %Style
    [1.5em] % left-indent; change as you see fit
    {% above-code
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        \contentslabel{1.5em}% should be equal to left-indent, see above
        \hspace*{1.5em}% same remark as preceding argument applies
    }{% page-format

%% Custom Chapter %%
    [0pt]   % left-indent; change as you see fit
    {% above-code
        \medbreak % for example
    }{% numbered-entry-format
        \def\numberline##1{% >>> CRUDE HACK <<<
        % leave empty
    }{% page-format




Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ch\'{e} 
la diritta via era smarrita.

\chapter{Dubbi di Dante}
Lo giorno se ne andava, e l'aere bruno toglieva gli animai che sono in terra 
dalle fatiche loro.

\customchapter{Il primo capitolo jolly}
Dovrebbe cominciare la numerazione da~<<A>>.

\chapter{Ingresso all'Inferno}
Per me si va nella citt\`{a} dolente, per me si va nell'etterno dolore, per me 
si va tra la perduta gente.
Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.
Ed ecco verso noi venir per nave un vecchio, bianco per antico pelo, gridando 
<<Guai a voi, anime prave!>>

\customchapter{Un altro capitolo jolly}
Deve essere numerato~<<B>>.

Ruppemi l'alto sonno nella testa un greve truono, s\'{\i} ch'io mi riscossi,
come persona ch'\`{e} per forza desta.

