

基本上,我将使用许多非常相似的图,但 2 个边界的位置和 2 个标签的位置有所不同,因此我希望能够只输入这两个数字作为参数,然后让 LaTeX 来处理它。我的失败尝试:




\NewDocumentCommand{\hypplot}{ m m }
                no markers, domain=-4:4, 
                samples=100, axis lines*=left,
                every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of     origin),anchor=west},
                height=5cm, width=12cm, 
                ytick=\empty, xtick=\empty,
                enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
                y axis line style={draw=none},

                %%Shade the area for alpha
                \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=-4:#1] {gauss(0,1)} \closedcycle; 

                %%Shade the area for p-value
                \addplot [fill=orange!20, draw=none, domain=#1:#2] {gauss(0,1)} \closedcycle; 

                %%draw the gaussian
                \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gauss(0,1)};

                %%draws a double-headed arrow for Zc
                \draw [latex-latex] (axis cs:#1,-0.07) -- node [fill=white] {$\displaystyle \zcl{c}\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$} (axis cs:0,0.-0.07);

                %%draws a double-headed arrow for Zt
                \draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex] (axis cs:#2,0.16) -- (axis cs:0,0.16);

                %%Label Zt
                \draw [yshift=-0.6cm](axis cs:(#1+#2)/2,0.22) node {$\displaystyle \zcl{T}\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$};

                %%label the mean
                \draw (axis cs:0,.43) node {$\mu=\mu_0^{}$};
                \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(0, 0) (0, 0.3989)};

                %%add alpha
                \draw (axis cs:#1*1.071,0.02) node {$\alpha$};  
                \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(#1, -.01) (#1, 0.08)};
                \draw (axis cs:#1*1.02,0.10) node {$\bar{x}_c^{}$};

                %add p-value border
                \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(#2, -.01) (#2, 0.22)};
                \draw (axis cs:#2*1.02,0.25) node {$\bar{x}$};







问题是 PFGPlots 在解析坐标时不接受表达式(请参阅有关此问题)因此如果您只是解析表达式,然后在坐标内有一个表达式时\pgfmathparse传递结果,它就可以正常工作:\pgfmathresult




\NewDocumentCommand{\hypplot}{ m m }
  \begin{axis}[ no markers, domain=-4:4, 
                samples=100, axis lines*=left,
                every axis x label/.style={at={(current axis.right of origin)}, anchor=west},
                height=5cm, width=12cm, 
                ytick=\empty, xtick=\empty,
                enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
                y axis line style={draw=none}
    %%Shade the area for alpha
    \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=-4:#1] {gauss(0,1)} \closedcycle; 

    %%Shade the area for p-value
    \addplot [fill=orange!20, draw=none, domain=#1:#2] {gauss(0,1)} \closedcycle; 

    %%draw the gaussian
    \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gauss(0,1)};

    %%draws a double-headed arrow for Zc
    \draw [latex-latex] (axis cs:#1,-0.07) -- node [fill=white] {$\displaystyle \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$} (axis cs:0,0.-0.07);

    %%draws a double-headed arrow for Zt
    \draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex] (axis cs:#2,0.16) -- (axis cs:0,0.16);

    %%Label Zt
    \draw [yshift=-0.6cm](axis cs:(\pgfmathresult,0.22) node {$\displaystyle \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$};

    %%label the mean
    \draw (axis cs:0,.43) node {$\mu=\mu_0^{}$};
    \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(0, 0) (0, 0.3989)};

    %%add alpha
    \draw (axis cs:\pgfmathresult,0.02) node {$\alpha$};  
    \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(#1, -.01) (#1, 0.08)};
    \draw (axis cs:\pgfmathresult,0.10) node {$\bar{x}_c^{}$};

    %add p-value border
    \addplot +[mark=none] coordinates {(#2, -.01) (#2, 0.22)};
    \draw (axis cs:\pgfmathresult,0.25) node {$\bar{x}$};

