新增:运行时检查是否存在 TFM 文件

新增:运行时检查是否存在 TFM 文件

我已经安装了非标准字体(ISOCPEUR.TTF),它对 \showfont 命令的响应如下:

\newcommand{\showfont}{encoding: \f@encoding{},
                       family:   \f@family{},
                       series:   \f@series{},
                       shape:    \f@shape{},
                       size:     \f@size{}



我想创建一个设置“iso”字体的命令,但如果没有安装这种字体,该命令必须设置 \sffamily 字体。我试过了,但没有成功

    %it's ok, do nothing




\usepackage{lipsum} % just to get the "Lorem ipsum..." text

    \newcommand*{\iso}{\sffamily\slshape} % no "\selectfont" needed here

% The same thing for a font that should exist on all systems:




Back to default font.


新增:运行时检查是否存在 TFM 文件

我添加了我最初为这个问题设计的答案,因为我认为它毕竟说明了一种有趣的技术。此解决方案不依赖于.fd 描述如何实现给定字体系列的文件的存在(原则上,这对于使用字体来说不是强制性的),而是直接检查外部字体是否存在,或者更确切地说,检查其 TFM(TeX Font Metric)文件是否存在。

以下源文件应使用--restricted-shell-escape命令行选项进行编译。除其他功能外,它还实现了一个带有三个强制参数的命令,名为\IfTFMFileExists,该命令查询(通过管道输入功能)系统中是否存在 TFM 文件,该文件的基本名称在第一个参数中传递,如果找到该文件,则执行第二个参数中包含的代码,如果找不到该文件,则执行第三个参数中包含的代码。随后,此命令用于在两个\DeclareFontShape声明之间进行选择,一个声明将给定的字体形状绑定到其预期的外部字体(如果后者存在于系统中),另一个声明用另一种字体形状替换它。

请注意,第一次编译此代码时,它可能会调用mktextfm构建lasi1000.tfmTFM 文件,该文件对于用作该iso系列替代的字体(即 T2A 编码中的 Computer Modern Sans)是必需的,并且默认情况下未在标准 TeXLive 发行版中安装。

\usepackage{lipsum} % just to get the "Lorem ipsum..." text


% Mere diagnostic command:
        \def~{ }%
        \typeout{+-----> On input line \number\inputlineno:}%
        \typeout{|~~~>>> external (TFM file) name: \fontname\font.}%

    % Actual usage:
    % \IfTFMFileExists{<ext. font name>}{<found code>}{<not found code>}
        \openin\@inputcheck=|"kpsewhich #1.tfm"\relax % Why "\relax"?
                                                      % (Exercise... ;-)
            \aftergroup\@secondoftwo % kpsewhich couldn't be called
            \endlinechar \m@ne
            \readline\@inputcheck to \@tempa
                \aftergroup\@secondoftwo % kpsewhich returned nothing
                \aftergroup\@firstoftwo % kpsewhich returned something


%------ Declarations for the ISOCPEUR family follow: -----------
% On the generic user's system, we expect NOT to find the external font.
% I'm pretending that the external (TFM file) name of the relevant font is
% "fiemo6a", and that it is a fully scalable font; but please keep in mind
% that I have no idea of what is the correct binding between the NFSS font
% shapes and the external fonts for this ISOCPEUR family!
    \typeout{==> fiemo6a found!}
    % BEWARE OF SPACES in the arguments of "\DeclareFontShape":
    % they get prematurely tokenized here!
    \typeout{==> fiemo6a NOT found!}
    % As above.
%------ End of declarations for the ISOCPEUR family. -----------

%------ Declarations for the CM dunhill family follow: ---------
% This serves as a benchmark, to check that an external font that should be
% present on all system is actually recognized.
% Assume that if "ecdh1000.tfm" is present on the system, the other sizes
% are there as well:
    \typeout{==> ecdh1000 found!}
    % As above.
    \typeout{==> ecdh1000 NOT found!}
    % As above.
%------ End of declarations for the CM dunhill family. ---------


Text in normal font.



Back to normal font.


显然,你可以通过将尺寸功能iso替换为 来避免有关使用 Computer Modern Sans 字体系列替换的警告。subssub

当然,代码也可以以文件的形式打包.fd :您只需要包含命令的定义\IfTFMFileExists和(条件)字体声明本身。
