




当某个部分开始并且其中包含另一个 [子] 部分时,应该有一个标题,但是却没有。





  • 如果页面以某个部分开始,且没有中断该页面的先前文本,则不应该有页眉。
  • 如果有文本从 [*] 部分中断到页面,则应该有一个包含 [*] 的编号和标题的页眉。
  • 如果页面没有分隔文本并且以子[*]节开头,则它应该有一个标题,并且在标题中显示上部节的编号和标题,例如,如果页面开始一个子节,它应该包含节标题。

如何才能让两者同时工作,在部分开始处没有标题,并且在没有部分开始的页面上自定义标题或者是否有 [sub]sections 中断至此页面?

以下是 MWE:

            pdfborder={0 0 0},







% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/187853/49121


  \setcounter{page}{1} % when using custom titlepage








            pdfborder={0 0 0},







\pagestyle{fancy} % give \pagestyle{fancy} here to initialize fancyhdr.

% We are going to use \rightmark for the section or subsection title to be
% placed in the header and \firstleftmark (from the extramarks package)
% to indicate where it comes from:
% prev = from a (sub)section on the previous page
% newpage = from a \newpage command 
% section = from a \section command on this page
% subsection = from a \subsection command on this page
% We use \firstleftmark because the normal \leftmark gives us the LAST
% left mark on the page instead of the first one.
% Our solution is to issue a \markboth command with "prev" as left part
% before each \(sub)section command. This serves two purposes:
% (1) In this way the previous (sub)section title will be used in the header.
% (2) When the pagebreak comes just before the \section command, the
% previous page will have a "prev" (last) \leftmark and the current page
% will have a "section" \firstleftmark. This combination determines that
% there is a section at the top of the page.
% In order to work properly, \newpage must also issue such a mark. In
% that case we put "newpage" in the leftmark, but that information is
% currently not used.

% Test if there is a section at the top of the page.

\newcommand{\iftopsection}[2]{% %1 = true action, #2 = false action

% If there is a section on top of the page, suppress the header
% If it is a subsection, use the last section title (in \firstleftxmark)
% If it is a subsubsection, use the last subsection title (in \firstrightxmark).
% Otherwise we have overflow from the previous page and we use \rightmark
% (which should be the current (*)section from \prevmark).


%% \rhead{\firstleftmark} % This is for debugging!!!!!

% If there is a \section command on the top of the page, make \headrule empty.


% Define the format the (*)section titles have in the header

\newcommand{\secTH}[1]{\thesection\quad #1}
\newcommand{\subsecTH}[1]{\thesubsection\quad #1}
\newcommand{\subsubsecTH}[1]{\thesubsubsection\quad #1}

% Mark commands for the (*)sections. We set the title in the rightmark,
% and also keep the extramarks current (last section and subsection title).


% We remember the title of the previous (*)section in \prevmark.
% We have also commands to remember the last section and subsection
% titles specifically. We will remember these with \extramarks.


% This inserts the \prevmark as a mark before the (sub)section command.
% There is a \nopagebreak before it, so that (hopefully) it will stick
% with the previous text. So we hope the page will be broken after it if necessary.
% And then we set the new \prevmark value to the (sub)section title.
% We set the last section and subsection titles with \extramarks.


% Change \section so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/187853/49121

% Change \subsection so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 

% Change \subsubsection so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 

% adapt \newpage so that it issues a "prev" mark, and makes \prevmark empty


  \setcounter{page}{1} % when using custom titlepage




  \section{This is a test section}
  \subsection{This is a subsection}
  \section{This is another section}

This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   

\subsection{This is another subsection}

  Some more text. 




原始答案: 无需测试是否为\rightmark空然后选择\leftmark它,只需确保当\leftmark设置时,也将\rightmark设置为相同的值即可。


\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\thesection. #1}{\thesection. #1}}





然而 OP 提醒我它不满足第三个要求:

  • 如果页面没有分隔文本并且以子[*]节开头,则它应该有一个标题,并且在标题中显示上部节的编号和标题,例如,如果页面开始一个子节,它应该包含节标题。



            pdfborder={0 0 0},







\pagestyle{fancy} % give \pagestyle{fancy} here to initialize fancyhdr.

% We are going to use \rightmark for the section or subsection title to be
% placed in the header and \firstleftmark (from the extramarks package)
% to indicate where it comes from:
% prev = from a (sub)section on the previous page
% section = from a \section command on this page
% subsection = from a \subsection command on this page
% We use \firstleftmark because the normal \leftmark gives us the LAST
% left mark on the page instead of the first one.
% Our solution is to issue a \markboth command with "prev" as left part
% before each \(sub)section command. This serves two purposes:
% (1) In this way the previous (sub)section title will be used in the header.
% (2) When the pagebreak comes just before the \section command, the
% previous page will have a "prev" (last) \leftmark and the current page
% will have a "section" \firstleftmark. This combination determines that
% there is a section at the top of the page. In order to work properly,
% a \newpage must also issue such a mark.

% If there is a section command at the top, don't put a header (put an
% empty header)

% Test if there is a section at the top of the page.

\newcommand{\iftopsection}[2]{% %1 = true action, #2 = false action

%\rhead{\firstleftmark} % This is for debugging!!!!!

% If there is a \section command on the top of the page, make \headrule empty.


\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{section}{\thesection\ #1}}
\renewcommand{\subsectionmark}[1]{\markboth{subsection}{\thesubsection\ #1}}

% We remember the title of the previous (sub)section in \prevmark.

% This inserts the \prevmark as a mark before the (sub)section command.
% There is a \nopagebreak before it, so that (hopefully) it will stick
% with the previous text. So we hope the page will be broken after it if necessary.
% And then we set the new \prevmark value to the (sub)section title.


% Change \section so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/187853/49121
  \insertprevmark{\thesection\ #3}%

% Change \subsection so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 
  \insertprevmark{\thesubsection\ #3}%

% Change \subsubsection so that it will insert a "prev" mark first. 
  \insertprevmark{\thesubsubsection\ #3}%

% adapt \newpage so that it issues a "prev" mark, and makes \prevmark empty


  \setcounter{page}{1} % when using custom titlepage




  \section{This is a test section}
  \subsection{This is a subsection}
  \section{This is another section}

This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   
This is some text.   This is some text.   This is some text.   

Comment out these two lines so that the next subsection starts at the top
of the page. Then the header will become that subsection title.

  \subsection{This is another subsection}
  Some more text. 


