通常情况下,引用都使用括号或方括号。SBC(巴西计算机协会)有一个奇怪的例子。其参考文献的风格在任何地方都使用括号,除了在括号内的引用。在括号内的引用时必须使用方括号:[AuthorX 1999]。
author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
year = 1986,
title = {The \TeX book},
To adhere to SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) style:
This citation should be using square brackets:~\cite{Knu86}.
This should be using parentheses:~\citeA{Knu86}.
And this citation should be using square brackets:~\cite{Knu86}.
References should also be using parentheses!
我怎样才能仅将 apacite 的 \cite 行为更改为使用方括号,同时保持所有其他 apacite 命令仍然使用括号?
author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
year = 1986,
title = {The {\TeX{ book},
To adhere to SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) style:
This citation should be using square brackets:~\cite{Knu86}.
This should be using parentheses:~\citeA{Knu86}.
And this citation should be using square brackets:~\cite{Knu86}.
References should also be using parentheses!