

在遵循一些公司的图形指南的同时,我尝试使用 tikz 制作自定义表格。

使用 tikz 自定义表格

以下是 MWE:




            \coordinate[xshift=.5cm] (sw) at (#1.south west);
            \coordinate[xshift=-0.35cm, yshift=-1pt] (1) at (#1.south east);
            \filldraw[white, ultra thin, transform canvas={yshift=0.5pt}] (#1.south east) -- (sw) -- ++(0,-1pt) -- (1) -- ++(0,-1pt) -- ++(0.35,0) --cycle;
        \tikzset{header/.style={draw, fill, rectangle, color=CustomBlue, text=white, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=.5cm, text width=3.8cm, align=left}}
        \tikzset{table/.style={draw, fill, rectangle, color=#1, text=black, minimum width=3cm,text width=3.8cm, align = left},
        \node[header] (A1) {\begin{tabular}{l}
            \textbf{Some header}
        \node[table=CustomBlue2!70, text=white, below=0 of A1](A2) {
            Some item \\
            Another item

        \node[table=CustomBlue2!70, text= white, below=0 of A2] (A3) {
            A total

        \node[header, right= .15cm of A1] (B1) {\begin{tabular}{l}
            \textbf{Another header}
        \node[table, below=0 of B1] (B2) {
            Some value \\
            Some other value
        \node[table, below=0 of B2] (B3) {

        \node[header, right= .15cm of B1] (C1) {
            Last header
        \node[table, below=0 of C1] (C2) {
            Almost the last item\\
            The last one
        \node[table, below=0 of C2] (C3) {
            Oh, forgot that one



    Some header & Another header & Last header\\
        Some item & Some value & Almost the last item\\
    Another item & Some other value & The last one\\
    \customLine \\
    A total & & Oh, forgot that one





  • 使用nodes-familiestikz 库(来自用户@Qrrbrbirlbel)确保同一列的所有节点具有相同的宽度,同一行的所有节点具有相同的高度(就像这里一样

  • 使用backgrounds库来绘制背景。

  • 用于pbox制作段落文本单元格。

  • 如果\tikzset可以使 s 在 es 内工作,\foreach那么由此发出命令就会相当容易。

  • 内置样式column <num>不适用于设置Minimum Width节点系列,这就是为什么必须明确给出它(问题在前面的链接问题中提出)。





    hline/.style={white, thick, shorten >=10pt},
    vline/.style={white, ultra thick}

    %\foreach \i in{1,...,\nrows}{\tikzset{row \i/.style={Minimum Height=r\i,Text Height=th\i,Text Depth=td\i}}}; % This does not work (some expansion issue maybe)
    %\foreach \i in {1,...,\ncols}{\tikzset{col \i/.style={Minimum Width=c\i}}}; % This does not work (some expansion issue maybe)
    \tikzset{col 1/.style={Minimum Width=c1}}
    \tikzset{col 2/.style={Minimum Width=c2}}
    \tikzset{col 3/.style={Minimum Width=c3}}
    \tikzset{row 1/.style={Minimum Height=r1,Text Height=th1,Text Depth=td1}}
    \tikzset{row 2/.style={Minimum Height=r2,Text Height=th2,Text Depth=td2}}
    \tikzset{row 3/.style={Minimum Height=r3,Text Height=th3,Text Depth=td3}}
    \matrix (M) [matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells,
    inner sep=0pt,
    nodes={text=white, inner sep=1ex, font=\bfseries}]{
    |[col 1]| Some header & |[col 2]| Another header & |[col 3]| Last header\\
    |[col 1]| \pbox{6cm}{Some item \\ Another item} & |[col 2]| \pbox{6cm}{Some value \\ Some other value} & |[col 3]| \pbox{6cm}{Almost the last item \\ The last one} \\
    |[col 1]| A total & |[col 2]| & |[col 3]| Oh, forgot that one\\
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\pgfmathresult} \foreach \j in {1,...,\ncols} \draw[hline] (M-\i-\j.south east) ++(0,-\pgflinewidth) -- ++(-10pt,0) (M-\i-\j.south east) -- (M-\i-\j.south west);
    \foreach \j in {1,...,\pgfmathresult} \draw[vline] (M-1-\j.north east) -- (M-\nrows-\j.south east);
    \begin{scope}[on background layer]
      \fill[CustomBlue!20] (M.north west) rectangle (M.south east);
      \fill[CustomBlue2!70] (M.north west) rectangle (M-\nrows-1.south east);
      \fill[CustomBlue] (M.north west) rectangle (M-1-\ncols.south east-|M.north east);




\usetikzlibrary{positioning, matrix}

\begin{tikzpicture}[mynode/.style={minimum width=4cm, minimum height=6mm, 
    outer sep=0pt, text width=3.5cm, align=left,    fill=blue!30, anchor=center},
    header/.style={mynode, fill=blue!30!black, text=white, font=\bfseries},
    firstcol/.style={mynode, fill=black!30, text=white} ]

    \matrix (A) [matrix of nodes, column sep=2mm, row sep=0pt,
        nodes in empty cells,
        row 1/.style={nodes=header},
        column 1/.style={nodes=firstcol},
        row 1 column 1/.style={nodes=header}]
        {Some header & Another header & Last header \\
        Some item & Some value & Almost the last item \\ 
        Another item & Some other value & The last one \\ 
        A total &  & Oh, forgot that one \\ };

    \foreach \i in {1,...,3}{
        \draw[line width=1mm, white, shorten >=5mm] (A-1-\i.south east) --  (A-1-\i.south west);    
        \draw[line width=1mm, white, shorten >=5mm] (A-4-\i.north east) --  (A-4-\i.north west);    

