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\node[node2, label={[name=id2Lbl]Label 2}, below right=1.5cm and -0.6cm of id1] (id3) {Text 102};
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%\node[container1] [fit={(idbig1) (idbig2)}, draw=black!20, rounded corners, label={[name=cont1Lbl]Container1}] (cont1) {};
\node[multiple] [fit={(idbig1) (idbig2)}, draw=black!20, rounded corners, label={[name=cont1Lbl]Container1}] (cont1) {};
\node[container1] [fit={(idbig1) (idbig2)}, draw=black!20, rounded corners, label={[name=cont1Lbl]Container1}] (cont1) {};
对于上图,您需要定义更多背景层。为所有其他样式定义通用样式并合并到样式“container1”中也是明智的做法copy shadow
\documentclass[tikz, margin=7mm]{standalone}
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positioning, shapes, shadows}
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node distance = 15mm and 4mm,% <-- added
% tikzstyle is depreciated, instead them the styles can be
% defined as option of tikzpicture
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base/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, draw=black!20, fill=black!10,
font=\small, align=center},
node1/.style = {base, minimum width=0.6cm, minimum height=0.3cm},
bignode1/.style = {base, fill=black!40},
bignode2/.style = {base, fill=black!60},
container1/.style = {base, line width=0.6mm, fill=white,
double copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex}}
\node[node1, label={[name=id1Lbl]Label 1}] (id1) {Text 101};
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below=of $(id1)!0.5!(id2)$] (id3) {Text 102};
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label=Container1] {};