- 每行有两个主行,每个主行都有一个主导行,这样主导单元格将位于新主行中。我称此选项为“脚注行”,因为您要为主导内容创建一个新的全宽单单元格行。
数据是关于具有自己 ID 的 MCQ 问题。它们不相关,因此严格的表格结构不是强制性的。有一个 7 列的表格结构,其中一个单元格占主导地位(最大),导致表格中出现大量空白(见图 2)。参见图 1 中的单行演示,并重复 N 行,您将获得如图 2 所示的输出,其中有大量空白。
图 1 一行的输出,其中第一列设置为主导(但没有现在数据样本中的行 ID),图 2 低分辨率示例输出,其中到处都是太多的白色
1 & What is the difference between technical picture of acute donald duck between dragon in early adulthood comparing with elderly? & South Dragon & North Dragon & Manifold manifolds & Manifest colonisation & Upper limit &5 \\ \hline
2 & South Dragon & What is the difference between technical picture of acute donald duck between dragon in early adulthood comparing with elderly? & North Dragon & Manifold manifolds & Manifest colonisation & Upper limit &5 \\ \hline
\usepackage{ltablex} % Bernard
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|p{.25\linewidth}|X|X|X|X|X|l|} % http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/340832/13173
1 & What is the difference between technical picture of acute donald duck between dragon in early adulthood comparing with elderly? & South Dragon & North Dragon & Manifold manifolds & Manifest colonisation & Upper limit &5 \\ \hline
% TODO processhere the second dominating column cell into a new row taking full linewidth.
操作系统:Debian 8.5
\usepackage{ltablex} % Bernard
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|*{5}{X|}l|} %
1 & \multicolumn{6}{|p{\dimexpr\textwidth-2\tabcolsep\relax}|}{
What is the difference between technical picture of acute donald duck between dragon in early adulthood comparing with elderly?} \\ \hline
2 & South Dragon & North Dragon & Manifold manifolds
& Manifest colonisation & Upper limit & 5 \\ \hline
附录: 看看以下解决方案是否是您想要的:
\usepackage{ltablex} % Bernard
#1 & #2
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|*{5}{X|}l|} %
\subtab{1}{What is the difference between technical picture of acute donald duck between dragon in early adulthood comparing with elderly?
} \\ \hline
South Dragon & North Dragon & Manifold manifolds
& Manifest colonisation & Upper limit & 5 \\ \hline