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\lhead{\bf Simulation study of crystalline phases of \ce{Bi2O3}}
\rfoot{Barcelona, January 2017}
\title{Simulation study of crystalline phases of \ce{Bi2O3}} % HRTEM images
\author{Author: }
%\email{} %optional
{\bf Abstract:}
\subsection{Computational process and algorithm}
First of all we created the conventional cells of the different phases of \ce{Bi2O3} studied. The data required to build those cells is summarized on the
\caption{My caption}
Polymorph & Crystal structure & Space group & Lattice Parameters & Structural Parameters \\ \midrule
$\alpha$-\ce\{Bi2O3\} & monoclinic & P2\_1/C & =5.849 (5.872)\par b=8.167 (8.126)\par c=7.510 (7.412) & \\
$\beta$-\ce\{Bi2O3\} & tetragonal & P-421C & & \\
$\gamma$-\ce\{Bi2O3\} & cubic & I23 & & \\
$\delta$-\ce\{Bi2O3\} (Battle model) & cubic & Fm-3m & & \\ \bottomrule
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