我想在图中最后一个矩形下方添加两个矩形。从节点$A_{prv}\Delta P$
\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw=black,thick,anchor=west]
grow via three points={one child at (0.5,-0.7) and
two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
\node {$(\zeta,\Omega)\rightarrow (y,v_y)$}
child { node {$\dot{\zeta} = \Omega$}}
child { node {$\dot{\Omega} = $}}
child { node {$\dot{P_1} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {$\dot{P_2} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {Q =}
child { node {$0$ \hspace{14mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 < F_{pc}$}}
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}}};
版本 1:最后一个节点的两个子节点。
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}}};
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}
child { node {Child 1 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
child { node {Child 2 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw=black,thick,anchor=west]
grow via three points={one child at (0.5,-0.7) and
two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
\node {$(\zeta,\Omega)\rightarrow (y,v_y)$}
child { node {$\dot{\zeta} = \Omega$}}
child { node {$\dot{\Omega} = $}}
child { node {$\dot{P_1} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {$\dot{P_2} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {Q =}
child { node {$0$ \hspace{14mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 < F_{pc}$}}
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}
child { node {Child 1 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
child { node {Child 2 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
版本 2:的另外两个子节点Q =
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}}};
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}}
child { node {Child 1 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
child { node {Child 2 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw=black,thick,anchor=west]
grow via three points={one child at (0.5,-0.7) and
two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
\node {$(\zeta,\Omega)\rightarrow (y,v_y)$}
child { node {$\dot{\zeta} = \Omega$}}
child { node {$\dot{\Omega} = $}}
child { node {$\dot{P_1} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {$\dot{P_2} = (B/V)(Q-A\lambda d)$}}
child { node {Q =}
child { node {$0$ \hspace{14mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 < F_{pc}$}}
child { node {$A_{prv}\Delta P$ \hspace{3mm} if: \hspace{3mm} $P_1A_1-P_2A_2 \geq F_{pc}$}}
child { node {Child 1 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}
child { node {Child 2 of $A_{prv}\Delta P$}}