如何使用 biblatex 按字母顺序显示参考书目?

如何使用 biblatex 按字母顺序显示参考书目?


我还在 MWE 中写下了我所有的问题,所以如果你愿意的话,你可以直接阅读我的脚本以节省一些时间!

为了保留参考引用工作,我保留了 footpartcite、partcite 和 footnote 的脚本。

如何按字母顺序列出参考书目?现在我找到了在脚注中显示引文的正确方法,但每个引文都有 2 个数字,结果如下

1[1], 2[2], 3[3], 4[4] 



如何删除 [1] 之前的数字 1?



\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, headsepline, DIV=12,twoside]{report}

Title                    = {Accidents or Unintentional Injuries},
Author                   = {{National Center for Health Statistics}},
URL                      = {http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-   injury.htm},
urldate                  = {2016-08-10},}
 Title                    = {Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone},
 Author                   = {{Rowling,J. K. }},
  Date                     = {1997}}
Title                    = {Automotive Safety Handbook},
Author                   = {{Seiffert, Ulrich; Wech, Lothar}},
Date                     = {2003},
Editor                   = {SAE International},
Note                     = {pp. 91, 96, 97}}


\DeclareMultiCiteCommand{\footpartcites}[\mkbibfootnote]{\footpartcite}   {\addsemicolon\space}




Q1: Each citation has two numbers. \footnoteref{ftn:unintentional} How to remove the number in front of the squared brackets. \footnoteref{ftn:unintentional}

Q2: know how to list the bibliography alphabetically. \footnote{\label{ftn:unintentional}\partcite{unintentional}}

Q3: how to put a footnoteref inside of a caption? because if I put it inside a caption of a table or figure, it will show error, but if I put it outside the caption bracket, \footpartcite{ASH} the footnoteref will show in the next line rather than as superscript of the caption.  \footnote{\label{ftn:HP}\partcite{HP}} 

\caption{I am a figure}\footnoteref{ftn:HP}

Does anyone know how to solve them? Thank you very much!



好吧,也许你误解了 1[2] 中的前导数字 1?第一个数字是脚注的编号,第二个数字(此处为 [2])是参考书目的标签...



Q1:每个引用都有两个数字。第一个数字是脚注的编号,第二个 [x] 是该条目在参考书目中的标签。

Q3:如何将 footnoteref 放在标题内?只需使用它\caption[I am a figure]{I am a figure\footnoteref{ftn:HP}}即可避免出现错误(部分[text]用于图表列表,部分 {text} 打印在图表下方)。

完成 MWE:

  Title   = {Accidents or Unintentional Injuries},
  Author  = {{National Center for Health Statistics}},
  URL     = {http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-injury.htm},
  urldate = {2016-08-10},
  Title                    = {Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone},
  Author                   = {{Rowling,J. K. }},
  Date                     = {1997},
  Title                    = {Automotive Safety Handbook},
  Author                   = {{Seiffert, Ulrich; Wech, Lothar}},
  Date                     = {2003},
  Editor                   = {SAE International},
  Note                     = {pp. 91, 96, 97},

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, headsepline, DIV=12,twoside]{report}



  sorting=nyt, % <======================================================



\DeclareMultiCiteCommand{\footpartcites}[\mkbibfootnote]{\footpartcite}   {\addsemicolon\space}




Q1: Each citation has two numbers.\footnoteref{ftn:unintentional} 
How to remove the number in front of the squared brackets.\footnoteref{ftn:unintentional}

Q2: know how to list the bibliography alphabetically.\footnote{\label{ftn:unintentional}\partcite{unintentional}}

Q3: how to put a footnoteref inside of a caption? because if I put it 
inside a caption of a table or figure, it will show error, but if I put 
it outside the caption bracket,\footpartcite{ASH} the footnoteref will 
show in the next line rather than as superscript of the 

\caption[I am a figure]{I am a figure\footnoteref{ftn:HP}}

Does anyone know how to solve them? Thank you very much!



enter image description here
