\cline 不显示在具有背景的单元格上

\cline 不显示在具有背景的单元格上



但使用 时,背景颜色似乎绘制在上方规则之上\cline。使用 时不会发生这种情况\hline


$ lualatex --version
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.80.0 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (rev 5238)


\documentclass[24pt a6paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
\usepackage[paperheight=3.7in,paperwidth=6.2in, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}

\newcommand{\sometext}{this is just to demonstrate line breaking}   


This table has a line at the top of the gray cell (1-3) because of \verb|\hrule| :

 \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  &   \cellDefinition{\sometext}  &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline

How do I draw the same (evenly thick) line on top of the gray cell with \verb|\crule| ?

    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{how do I bring the line at top before the background? } &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\\hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  & \cellcolor{headercolor}       \cellDefinition{I want such top line at the other cell too.} &  \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline



enter image description here


您必须将\usepackage{hhline}和 替换\cline{2-4}\hhline{~|-|-|-|}。 的参数\hhline是绘制内容的规范:~对应于空列、-对应于跨越一列的线,并|用垂直线表示连接处。

enter image description here

\documentclass[24pt a6paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
\usepackage[paperheight=3.7in,paperwidth=6.2in, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}

\newcommand{\sometext}{this is just to demonstrate line breaking}   


This table has a line at the top of the gray cell (1-3) because of \verb|\hrule| :

 \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  &   \cellDefinition{\sometext}  &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline

How do I draw the same (evenly thick) line on top of the gray cell with \verb|\crule| ?

    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{how do I bring the line at top before the background? } &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\\hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  & \cellcolor{headercolor}       \cellDefinition{I want such top line at the other cell too.} &  \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline





\documentclass[24pt a6paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
\usepackage[paperheight=3.7in,paperwidth=6.2in, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}

\newcommand{\sometext}{this is just to demonstrate line breaking}   


How do I draw the same (evenly thick) line on top of the gray cell with \verb|\crule| ?

    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{how do I bring the line at top before the background? } &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\\hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  & \cellcolor{headercolor}       \cellDefinition{I want such top line at the other cell too.} &  \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline


您需要多次编译(因为nicematrix在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。

Output of the first code

然而,尽管从数学上来说很完美,但使用工具生成的 PDFcolortbl有时很难由 PDF 查看器呈现:在某些缩放级别,某些规则似乎消失了(即使在 Adob​​e Reader 中)。

这就是为什么nicematrix提供工具来解决这些问题。使用密钥colortbl-like(无需加载colortbl),PDF 将在所有缩放级别的所有 PDF 查看器中完美显示。

\documentclass[24pt a6paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[paperheight=3.7in,paperwidth=6.2in, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}

\newcommand{\sometext}{this is just to demonstrate line breaking}   


How do I draw the same (evenly thick) line on top of the gray cell with \verb|\crule| ?

    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \cellDefinition{\sometext} & \cellcolor{headercolor}    \cellDefinition{how do I bring the line at top before the background? } &   \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\\hline
    \cellDefinition{\sometext}  & \cellcolor{headercolor}       \cellDefinition{I want such top line at the other cell too.} &  \cellDefinition{\sometext} &    \cellDefinition{\sometext} \\ \hline


Output of the second code
