


我目前正在使用microtype允许某些字符突出到边距的包,并且在典型使用中大部分情况下效果很好。但我一直在尝试它并发现对于上标,包microtype似乎给了太多的余地,导致非常难看的突出。参见 MWE:


\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,parskip = half*]{scrreprt}

% Not really 'essential' but your code should take this into account
% Also for easier demonstration of the problem

% References
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}

\section{Citing and Bibliography test}
Single citations test\cite{testref1}. Multi citations test\cite{testref2,testref3}.
Protrusion is hard to test some words longgggg\mcite{testref1&testref2&testref3&testref4, testref5}.

\lipsum[1] % To see the protrusion more clearly


输出如下: 在此处输入图片描述

请注意 Lipsum 文本中的正常突起,以及上标引用的突起。




我认为问题microtype本身并不在于 。相反,TeX 段落形成算法只是遇到了困难。我看到有三个选项,尽管每个选项都有缺点:

  1. 重新定义\mcitehelp以包括\allowbreak允许中间引用换行;

  2. 雇用sloppypar相关段落;或

  3. 重写该段落以避免出现这种情况。

这是 MWE,展示了前两种方法。

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,parskip = half*]{scrreprt}

% Not really 'essential' but your code should take this into account
% Also for easier demonstration of the problem

% References
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}
        title = {Test title},
        journal = {Test Journal},
        author = {Test authors and others},
        volume = {1},
        year = {2016}

\section{Citing and Bibliography test}

Single citations test\cite{testref1}. Multi citations test\cite{testref2,testref3}.
Protrusion is hard to test some words longgggg\mcite{testref1&testref2&testref3&testref4, testref5}.

Single citations test\cite{testref1}. Multi citations test\cite{testref2,testref3}.
Protrusion is hard to test some words longgggg\mcite{testref1&testref2&testref3&testref4, testref5}.

\lipsum[1] % To see the protrusion more clearly


