在 Szeged beamer 主题的部分栏下添加一个窄条

在 Szeged beamer 主题的部分栏下添加一个窄条


  • 我需要在所有幻灯片的部分栏(顶部)中使用深红色的背景颜色。
  • 我需要在所有幻灯片上的部分栏正下方添加一条狭窄的深蓝色栏。
  • 幻灯片底部不应显示任何内容(无作者姓名、无章节等)
  • 所有文字均应为黑色。


% 26/05/2010
% edited by Bill Lampos
% Feel free to use (copy) the structure (latex formatting source code)
% but not the content of this document.

% other themes: AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes, CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt, Goettingen,
% Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Maloe, Marburg, Montpellier, PaloAlto, Pittsburg, Rochester, Singapore, Szeged, classic

% color themes: albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dov, fly, lily, orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine

% font themes: default, professionalfonts, serif, structurebold, structureitalicserif, structuresmallcapsserif

% pdf is displayed in full screen mode automatically

% define your own colours:
\definecolor{darkgreen1}{rgb}{0, .35, 0}
\definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0, .6, 0}


% \usepackage{beamerinnertheme_______}
% inner themes include circles, default, inmargin, rectangles, rounded

% outer themes include default, infolines, miniframes, shadow, sidebar, smoothbars, smoothtree, split, tree


% to have the same footer on all slides
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{xxx xxx xxx}
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{} % or empty footer

% include packages
%%size bibliography

%Define Symbols

\newcommand{\npar}{\par \vspace{2.3ex plus 0.3ex minus 0.3ex}}
\newcommand{\bpsi}{\mbox{\boldmath $\psi$}}
\newcommand{\bzeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\zeta$}}
\newcommand{\bomega}{\mbox{\boldmath $\omega$}}
\newcommand{\btheta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\theta$}}
\newcommand{\bvarepsilon}{\mbox{\boldmath $\varepsilon$}}
\newcommand{\boot}{\mbox{{\scriptsize boot}}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} \DeclareMathOperator{\AIC}{AIC}

%Define box environment
   \def\insertblocktitle{Theorem ({\em#1})}%
  \setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white,bg=yellow!50!black}
  \setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=black,bg=yellow!20}
\usebeamertemplate{block begin}\em}
{\par\usebeamertemplate{block end}\end{actionenv}}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]}
\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second]

    %\text{short title}

\title{Long Title}
%\subtitle{Tracking trends on the web using novel Machine Learning methods}
%\institute{{\tiny advised by}\\ \vspace{.10cm}Professor Nello Cristianini}
%{\scriptsize Intelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Bristol\\ \vspace{.10cm}May 25, 2010}






  • 我需要在所有幻灯片的部分栏(顶部)中使用深红色的背景颜色。

     \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=red!50!black}
  • 我需要在所有幻灯片上的部分栏正下方添加一条狭窄的深蓝色栏。


  • 幻灯片底部不应显示任何内容(无作者姓名、无章节等)

  • 所有文字均应为黑色。

    \setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=black, bg=white}



% - I need a darkred background color in the sections bar (at the top) on all slides.
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=red!50!black}

% - Just beneath the sections bar I need a narrow darkblue bar on all slides.
    \usebeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}
    \usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}

       color(2ex)=(section in head/foot.bg);%
       color(7ex)=(section in head/foot.bg)%
       color(2.5ex)=(section in head/foot.bg)

% - Nothing should be displayed on the bottom bar of the slides (no authorname, no section, etc)

% - All text should be in black.
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=black, bg=white}

\title{Long Title}





