



 Among the risk factors (...). Table \ref{T1} lists some of them.

\caption{My caption}
 High LDL cholesterol \\
 Cigarette smoking\\
 Hypertension (BP$\geq 140/90 mmH$g or on  antihypertensive medication)\\
 Low HDL cholesterol ($<1.0 mmol/L$) \\
 Diabetes mellitus \\
 Family history of premature CHD \\
 Age (men$\geq 45$ years; women$\geq 55$ years)\\
 Lifestyle risk factors\\
 Obesity (BMI$\geq 30Kg/m^{2}$)\\
 Physical inactivity \\
 Atherogenic diet\\
 Emerging risk factors \\
 Lipoprotein (a)  \\
 Prothrombotic factors \\
 Proinflammatory factors \\
 Impaired fasting glucose \\
 Subclinical atherosclerosis \\



\caption{My caption}
 High LDL cholesterol \\
 Cigarette smoking\\
 Hypertension (BP$\geq 140/90 mmH$g or on  antihypertensive medication)\\
 Low HDL cholesterol ($<1.0 mmol/L$) \\
 Diabetes mellitus \\
 Family history of premature CHD \\
 Age (men$\geq 45$ years; women$\geq 55$ years)\\
 Lifestyle risk factors\\
 Obesity (BMI$\geq 30Kg/m^{2}$)\\
 Physical inactivity \\
 Atherogenic diet\\
 Emerging risk factors \\
 Lipoprotein (a)  \\
 Prothrombotic factors \\
 Proinflammatory factors \\
 Impaired fasting glucose \\
 Subclinical atherosclerosis \\



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\usepackage{lipsum} %% in order to produce some more blindtext.
\usepackage{multicol} %% To use two columns equally filled


  Among the risk factors (...). Table \ref{T1} lists some of them.

    \caption{My caption}
        High LDL cholesterol \\
        Cigarette smoking\\
        Hypertension (BP$\geq 140/90 mmH$g or on  antihypertensive medication)\\
        Low HDL cholesterol ($<1.0 mmol/L$) \\
        Diabetes mellitus \\
        Family history of premature CHD \\
        Age (men$\geq 45$ years; women$\geq 55$ years)\\
        Lifestyle risk factors\\
        Obesity (BMI$\geq 30Kg/m^{2}$)\\
        Physical inactivity \\
        Atherogenic diet\\
        Emerging risk factors \\
        Lipoprotein (a)  \\
        Prothrombotic factors \\
        Proinflammatory factors \\
        Impaired fasting glucose \\
        Subclinical atherosclerosis \\



\usepackage{multicol} %% To use two columns equally filled
\usepackage{booktabs} %% for better lines in tables.

\section{First Section}
  Among the risk factors (...). Table \ref{T1} lists some of them.

  \caption{My caption}
    High LDL cholesterol \\
    Cigarette smoking\\
    Hypertension (BP$\geq 140/90 mmH$g or on  antihypertensive medication)\\
    Low HDL cholesterol ($<1.0 mmol/L$) \\
    Diabetes mellitus \\
    Family history of premature CHD \\
    Age (men$\geq 45$ years; women$\geq 55$ years)\\
    Lifestyle risk factors\\
    Obesity (BMI$\geq 30Kg/m^{2}$)\\
    Physical inactivity \\
    Atherogenic diet\\
    Emerging risk factors \\
    Lipoprotein (a)  \\
    Prothrombotic factors \\
    Proinflammatory factors \\
    Impaired fasting glucose \\
    Subclinical atherosclerosis \\

\section{Second Section}
