覆盖特定作者的 \maxbibnames

覆盖特定作者的 \maxbibnames

我正在使用 biblatex 和选项 maxbibnames=2 来强制将作者姓名替换为等人当它们的数量超过 maxbibnames 时。 \usepackage[style=numeric-comp,sorting=none,giveninits=true,maxbibnames=2,backend=biber]{biblatex}


编辑:调整下面的@Werner MWE,我希望文章“def”的参考书目输出打印前两位作者,然后是 et al,并将第二位作者加粗。


  title    = {A title},
  author   = {A Author and B Bauthor and C Cauthor},
  year     = {2000}
  title    = {A title},
  author   = {D Duthor and E Eauthor and F Fauthor},
  year     = {2000},
  options  = {maxbibnames = 2},
  AUTHOR+an = {2=highlight} % used to highlight an author's name, see @PLK suggestion http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/73136/make-specific-author-bold-using-biblatex








上面的代码不会产生所需的输出,而是会显示第一个作者,然后是 et al。如果使用 maxbibnames=3(作者数量或更大),它将显示所有作者,并突出显示第二个作者。另一个缺点是这些参数(Options 和 Author+an)需要为每个 bib 条目进行硬编码。有人能建议一个解决方案,执行类似以下伪代码的操作吗:

define authorsToBoldList = {E Eauthor; D Duthor}  
for each BibEntry {  
   foundAuthorIndex = find(authorsToBoldList,BibEntryAuthors)  
   If notEmpty(foundAuthorIndex) {  
     display BibEntryAuthors(1:max(foundAuthorIndex))% followed by et al if less than BibEntryAuthors   
     for each foundAuthorIndex {  
       highlight(BibEntryAuthors(foundAuthorIndex ))  





  title    = {A title},
  author   = {A Author and B Bauthor and C Cauthor},
  year     = {2000}
  title    = {A title},
  author   = {D Duthor and E Eauthor and F Fauthor},
  year     = {2000},
  options  = {maxbibnames = 4}







范围参考:附录E 选项范围(第 253 页)biblatex文档)。
