如何从文件列表中的第 n 个元素开始包含图形?

如何从文件列表中的第 n 个元素开始包含图形?


这个想法是在 for 循环中运行索引,并在循环中为每张卡片生成值和图形文件名。运行索引可以超出任一列表的长度以生成更多卡片,因此使用 MyModulo 函数。

使用 GetListMember 函数/宏生成文本输出,它可以正确生成文件名。

当将 GetListMember 函数/宏与 includegraphis 一起用于文件名时,编译失败:
! 不完整 \iffalse;第 64 行之后的所有文本均被忽略。





% Define card values and graphics
\newcommand{\MyValues}{10,Kn,D,K,E}% Values of the cards

\newcommand{\MyCard}{temp1,temp2,temp3}% Card images in one color

\newcommand{\MyCardA}{tempA,tempB,tempC}% Card images in second color

% Define wrap around index function.

% From http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21559/macro-to-access-a-specific-member-of-a-list
% This works both with inline lists and with macros containing lists
    \noexpand\foreach \noexpand\a [count=\noexpand\i] in {#1} {%

%Stand in function generating the cards, the real function is more elaborated.
  !#1! % Value
  \includegraphics[width=2cm]{#2} %graphics


\foreach \n in {1,...,7} {%
  %This works, shows the values.
  %This works, produces the correct image file names.
  %This works, includes the images. 
  %This does not work.
  %This works, calls the card macro correctly. 
  %This does not work.

% Second color of cards
%\foreach \n in {1,...,7} {
%  \docard{\GetListMember{\MyValues}{\MyModulo{\n}{\MyValuesN}}}
%         {\GetListMember{\MyCardA}{\MyModulo{\n}{\MyCardNA}}.png}
%  \par  

% Third colors of cards
%\foreach ...

