有人能想出一个巧妙的办法,将正文的行距设置为 1.5,将表格内的行距设置为 1.0 吗?我正在查看这个包,
但尽管它没有触及标题,但表格内容的行距变成了 1.5。我的文档中有大量表格,我真的不想为每个表格单独设置行距。
这里是 MWE:
Some text
Some more text which continues on the next row. More text and more and more and more and more text.
\caption{Caption to be placed here.}
您认为的表格行距的 1.5 倍实际上是常规的间距。事实上,使用\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace}
Some text Some more text which continues on the next row. More text
and more and more and more and more text.
\caption{Caption to be placed here.}