日期格式(在 bib 条目中)/bibelatex biber

日期格式(在 bib 条目中)/bibelatex biber

我正在使用 biber 和 biblatex,我想打印 2013 年之前的所有论文。当我使用

year = {2010}

.bib 文件中的条目,每件事都很好做。但是,如果我使用

date = {2010-11-25}

而不是年份,我的输入被忽略了。我尊重日期格式,对吧?那么哪里出了问题?这是 MWE。

  AUTHOR =  {Myself},
  TITLE = {Me, myself and I},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  year = {2010} 

} %  date = {2010-11-25}
            \step[fieldsource=year,  match=\regexp{199([7-9])|200([0-9])|201([0-2])},final]
            \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,}, append]
        \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={before2013}, append]

Hello world.


year您可以将字段与biblatex文档中的字段进行比较,而不是使用 Biber 的源映射。(year无论您使用过year还是使用过,我们都可以在这里使用date,因为date字段在写入时总是被拆分成其组件.bbl。)

我们定义一个 bibcheck





\maps仅设置keyword=before2013year1997 年至 2012 年,而不是date1997-01-01 年至 2012-12-31 年。仅当 时才会打印索引。因此,如果使用而不是keyword=before2013,则不会打印条目。dateyear


  AUTHOR =  {Myself},
  TITLE = {Me, myself and I},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  year = {2010} 
  AUTHOR =  {Another},
  TITLE = {Another, one and nobody},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  date = {2010-11-25} 
  AUTHOR= {Never},
  TITLE = {I'm to late},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  date = {2017-01-01}
      \step[fieldsource=year,  match=\regexp{199([7-9])|200([0-9])|201([0-2])},final]
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,}, append]
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={before2013}, append]
      \step[fieldsource=date,  match=\regexp{199([7-9])|200([0-9])|201([0-2])},final]
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,}, append]
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={before2013}, append]

Hello world.



  AUTHOR =  {Myself},
  TITLE = {Me, myself and I},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  year = {2010} 
  AUTHOR =  {Another},
  TITLE = {Another, one and nobody},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  date = {2010-11-25} 
  AUTHOR= {Never},
  TITLE = {I'm to late},
  Institution = {My University},
  type = {Ph.D. thesis},
  date = {2017-01-01}
  \iffieldint{year}% If an interger field year exists
    \ifnumless{\thefield{year}}{2013}% and the field value is less than 2013
    {}% do nothing
    {\skipentry}% otherwise skip the entry
  {\skipentry}% skip the entrie also if there isn't an integer field year

Hello world.

