“incollection” 中的交叉引用有什么意义?

“incollection” 中的交叉引用有什么意义?

我在处理一本书中某一章的参考文献时遇到了麻烦,这本书有很多作者。我的参考文献(以类似 APA 的格式)呈现如下:

章节作者(2017)。章节标题。第 2 章。图书出版商。



Title     = {Chapter Title},
Author    = {{Chapter Author}},
Booktitle = {{Wrong Book Title}},
Chapter   = {2},
Year      = {2077},
Crossref  = {abook},

Title     = {Book Title},
Editor    = {{Book Editor}},
Author    = {{Book Author}},
Publisher = {{Book Publisher}},
Year      = {2017},


Hey \citep{achapter}




假设您有 Knuth 教授的《计算机编程艺术》几本书。对于所有书籍,您都可以使用 bib 条目

  author    = {Donald E. Knuth},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  title     = {The Art of Computer Programming},
  series    = {7 B\"ande},
  year      = 1968,

为了能够引用第二本书,你需要编写 bib 条目

  crossref = {TAOCP},
  title    = {Seminumerical Algorithms},
  volume   = 2,
  series   = {The Art of Computer Programming},
  edition  = {Second},
  year     = 1981,

交叉引用TOACP。此条目缺少有效的作者和出版商bibtex。通过crossref字段 BiBTeX 能够获取缺失的信息...

在您的情况下,您需要编写以下条目来incollection 省略有关空字段的警告:

  Crossref  = {acollection},
  Author    = {{Chapter Author}},
  Title     = {Chapter Title},
  Editor    = {{Chapter Editor}},
  booktitle = {{Collection Title incollection}},
  Chapter   = {2},
  Year      = {2077},

通过交叉引用,您可以从条目中获取缺少的发布者 acollection。您需要写入字段,booktitle因为它在同名的交叉引用中不存在。由于您的样式apalike不知道collection您需要使用book

  Title     = {Collection Title},
  Editor    = {{Collection Editor}},
  Year      = {2017},
  Publisher = {{Collection Publisher}},

使用以下 MWE

  crossref = {TAOCP},
  title    = {Seminumerical Algorithms},
  volume   = 2,
  series   = {The Art of Computer Programming},
  edition  = {Second},
  year     = 1981,
  author    = {Donald E. Knuth},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  title     = {The Art of Computer Programming},
  series    = {7 B\"ande},
  year      = 1968,
  Crossref  = {acollection},
  Author    = {{Chapter Author}},
  Title     = {Chapter Title},
  Editor    = {{Chapter Editor}},
  booktitle = {{Collection Title incollection}},
  Chapter   = {2},
  Year      = {2077},
  Title     = {Collection Title},
  Editor    = {{Collection Editor}},
  Year      = {2017},
  Publisher = {{Collection Publisher}},



Citing \citep{TAOCP2} please see the author and publisher comes 
from entry \texttt{TAOCP}! 

Citing \citep{achapter} please see the publisher comes from entry 

\bibliographystyle{apalike} % apalike plain


生成的 pdf
