具有自动列宽的 LaTeX 表格

具有自动列宽的 LaTeX 表格

如何让 LaTeX 自动设置宽度大小,以便所有文本都在一行中?有没有最简单的代码可用?或者教我如何编辑单个列的宽度并让其余列相应改变。最简单的代码,无需使用任何附加函数,如 tabularx 或 tabularz

    \begin{tabu} to \textwidth { | X[l] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] | }
        Method & Easy & Moderate & Hard & Easy & Moderate & Hard & Easy & Moderate & Hard \\
               & \multicolumn{3}{c||}{Car} & \multicolumn{3}{c||}{Pedestrian} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Cyclist} \\
        MCGD \cite{mcg-d} & 67.84 & 50.61 & 42.20 & 61.77 & 53.19 & 46.40 & 67.84 & 50.61 & 42.20 \\
        MCG \cite{mcg} & 59.54 & 45.86 &    38.61 & 50.20 & 44.53 & 40.45 & 59.54 & 45.86 & 38.61 \\
        SS \cite{selectivesearch} & 32.36 & 20.45 & 18.72 & 24.38 & 22.06 & 20.53 & 32.36 & 20.45 & 18.72 \\
        EB \cite{edgeboxes} &   52.48 & 36.57 & 31.15 & 29.57 & 22.06 & 22.58 & 52.48 & 36.57 & 31.15 \\
        3DOP \cite{3dop} & 95.39 & 82.85 &  \textbf{82.25} & 89.48 &    83.29 & \textbf{74.94} & 95.11 & 77.63 & \textbf{77.38} \\
        BING \cite{bing} &  8.50 &  5.37 &  10.93 & 24.64 & 27.21 & 32.23 & 8.50 &  5.37 &  10.93 \\
        Ours & \textbf{95.64} & \textbf{83.15} & 77.54 & \textbf{96.46} & \textbf{87.77} & 74.94 & \textbf{95.63} & \textbf{91.44} & 73.96 \\
    \caption{Recall of different proposal methods with an average of 500 proposals. The IOU criteria for car, pedestrian and cyclist are at 0.7, 0.5 and 0.5 respectively. In bold are the best results.}




\begin{tabu} to \textwidth { | X[l] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] || X[c] | X[c] | X[c] | }

设置为l。结果,第一列会稍微宽一些(这样单元格的内容才能全部放在一行),而其他 9 列会(非常)稍微窄一些。


\begin{tabu} to \textwidth { | l || *{3}{X[c]|} | *{3}{X[c]|} | *{3}{X[c]|} }

附录tabu:考虑使用环境,而不是tabular*环境。此外,不要简单地将九个数字列的内容居中,而要考虑将数字与各自的小数点对齐。我还想建议反转两个标题行的顺序,并通过删除所有垂直线和大多数水平线,并使用包的线条绘制命令来绘制剩余的几条水平线,使表格看起来更加“开放” booktabs

此外,由于您使用粗体突出显示单元格内容,请考虑对数字使用非扩展粗体字体;这样,粗体和常规粗体数字将在列中正确排列。在下面的代码中,这是通过提供指令来实现的\renewcommand{\bfdefault}{b} 里面环境table




\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set text block parameters appropriately


%% Command to use non-extended bold in the table:
\renewcommand{\bfdefault}{b}  % use non-extended bold weight
\robustify{\textbf}  % to make it work in "S" columns
\small % no need to go to \footnotesize, right?
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % make LaTeX figure out optimal intercolumn whitespace
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{9}{S[table-format=2.2]} }
    Method & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Car} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Pedestrian} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Cyclist}\\
    \cmidrule{2-4} \cmidrule{5-7} \cmidrule{8-10}
    & {Easy} & {Moderate} & {Hard} & {Easy} & {Moderate} & {Hard} & {Easy} & {Moderate} & {Hard} \\
    MCG-D \cite{mcg-d} & 67.84 & 50.61 & 42.20 & 61.77 & 53.19 & 46.40 & 67.84 & 50.61 & 42.20 \\
    MCG \cite{mcg} & 59.54 & 45.86 & 38.61 & 50.20 & 44.53 & 40.45 & 59.54 & 45.86 & 38.61 \\
    SS \cite{selectivesearch} & 32.36 & 20.45 & 18.72 & 24.38 & 22.06 & 20.53 & 32.36 & 20.45 & 18.72 \\
    EB \cite{edgeboxes} & 52.48 & 36.57 & 31.15 & 29.57 & 22.06 & 22.58 & 52.48 & 36.57 & 31.15 \\
    3DOP \cite{3dop} & 95.39 & 82.85 & \textbf{82.25} & 89.48 & 83.29 & \textbf{74.94} & 95.11 & 77.63 & \textbf{77.38} \\
    BING \cite{bing} &  8.50 &  5.37 & 10.93 & 24.64 & 27.21 & 32.23 & 8.50 &  5.37 &  10.93 \\
    Ours & \textbf{95.64} & \textbf{83.15} & 77.54 & \textbf{96.46} & \textbf{87.77} & 74.94 & \textbf{95.63} & \textbf{91.44} & 73.96 \\
\caption{Recall rates of different proposal methods with an average of 500 proposals. The IOU criteria for car, pedestrian and cyclist are at 0.7, 0.5 and 0.5 respectively. In bold are the best results.}


