将 Trajan 字体(Type 1)设置为标题的默认字体

将 Trajan 字体(Type 1)设置为标题的默认字体

我想将文档中所有标题的默认字体更改为 Type 1 字体 Trajan,其类别描述如下: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/trajan/


%% Headers for the main body of the text, ie from the contents onwards.
%% These headers are used when the document is single sided.
%% If there is no chapter number then uppercase lettering is used.
%% Format is {left}{center}{right}. \defaultfont sets the font to sans.
\newpagestyle{main}[\defaultfont\bfseries]{%     %\defaultfont\bfseries
   {\ifthesection{\thesection{.} \space}{\ifthechapter{\thechapter{.}%

%% If the twoside option is set, the even pages can have different styles.
%% These are defined in the sqaure brackets [left][centre][right]{}{}{}
%% The headers are now controlled by the twomain pagstyle.
    {\ifthesection{\thesection{.} \space}{\ifthechapter{\thechapter{.}%

%% Redefine the plain page style to use the defaultfont for the
%% numbering.

现在,我尝试更改\defaultfont\trajan(以及删除\bfseries不再需要的命令),但这会导致 Latex 编译时出错。目前,我正在使用 PDFlatex。



根据链接的网站,您使用 是错误的\trajan。相反,您应该使用\trjnfamily
