我想创建某种深度定制的内容表(简称 ToC)。我已经有一些做这类事情的经验,但这里所需的复杂程度远远超出了我的能力。
本目录将成为我正在编写的课程的一部分(并愿意在完成后立即根据开放许可发布)。这些文档将使用以下方式编译:LuaLaTeX. 我有一些了解蒂克兹和标题目录并想用它们来创造这个设计,但我真的不知道从哪里开始。这背后的想法是真正的随机性(因此,每次编译时目录都会改变!)
- 页面左侧应为白色
- 页面的右侧和侧面应为彩色(黑色、深灰色或整个文档使用的主色)(例如,使用 tikz
remember picture
- 酒吧应该有随机的长度(使用 lua
?) - 布局应该适应负值和正值
- 目录应该只显示章节和部分条目(例如
,我的观点是只需要章节和部分的设计) - 对于每个章节条目,应显示章节编号、章节标题和章节页码
使用另一种语言(如 Python 或 Pearl)解析第一次运行 LaTeX 时生成的目录文件。使用该语言添加所需的功能,然后让其调用 LaTeX 生成完整的文档。在您的编辑器中(例如在 Kile 中),设置一个自定义编译脚本,该脚本将首先运行 LaTeX 以生成基本目录数据,然后调用解析语言脚本并生成您喜欢的目录,最后再次使用 LaTeX 进行编译以生成最终的 pdf。根据要求,这是一个“全局想法”答案,而不是针对任何特定类型的喜欢的目录的特定解决方案。
\definecolor{mainColor}{RGB}{211, 47, 47}
% Comment this block if you don't have the Fira Sans font installed!
\setmainfont{Fira Sans Light}[
BoldFont=Fira Sans Medium,
ItalicFont=Fira Sans Light Italic,
BoldItalicFont=Fira Sans Medium Italic
% remove hyphenation in titles
% Allow to draw on the table of content page, other wise blank pages are added between the ToC and the big vertical line
% Drawing the big vertical line
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0mm]
\fill[fill=mainColor] (current page.north) rectangle (current page.south east);
% Only show chapter (and part) in the toc
% Change ToC title
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Content}
% Print the ToC
% This length contains temporarily the width of the current chapter's bar
% This length stores the height of a chapter entry for proper spacing between them
% Configuration Options
/customized toc/space between entries/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/space between entries = 3mm,
/customized toc/bar/height/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/bar/height = 1.2\baselineskip,
/customized toc/bar/xoffset/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/bar/xoffset = 6mm,
/customized toc/bar/style/.style = {rounded corners=1pt,},
/customized toc/bar/left style/.style = {},
/customized toc/bar/right style/.style = {},
/customized toc/text/xoffset/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/text/xoffset = \pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/bar/xoffset},
/customized toc/text/yoffset/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/text/yoffset=7mm,
/customized toc/text/format/.store in=\customizedTocChapterTextFont,
/customized toc/text/format = \fontsize{1.7\baselineskip}{2\baselineskip}\selectfont,
/customized toc/text/format/.store in=\customizedTocChapterTextRightFont,
/customized toc/text/format = \color{white},
/customized toc/text/format/.store in=\customizedTocChapterTextLeftFont,
/customized toc/text/format = ,
/customized toc/text/color/.store as color,
/customized toc/text/color = mainColor,
/customized toc/text/height/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/page number/width/.store as dimen,
/customized toc/page number/width = 4mm,
/customized toc/page number/style/.style = {
/customized toc/page number/left style/.style={},
/customized toc/page number/right style/.style={},
/customized toc/chapter number/style/.style={
% Saveboxes don't take in account the fontsize, to compensate, some more calculations are needed
\newlength{\normalsizeXHeight}\setlength{\normalsizeXHeight}{\heightof{\normalsize x}}
\newlength{\chapterTocEntryXHeight}\setlength{\chapterTocEntryXHeight}{\heightof{\customizedTocChapterTextFont x}}
% Arguments: chapter title, coefficient (should be 1 or -1)
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\chapterEntryGraphicalElementPrint}{m m}{%
\pgfkeys{/customized toc/bar/temp style/.style={/customized toc/bar/style, /customized toc/bar/right style}}
\pgfkeys{/customized toc/page number/temp style/.style={/customized toc/page number/style, /customized toc/page number/right style}}
\pgfkeys{/customized toc/bar/temp style/.style={/customized toc/bar/style, /customized toc/bar/left style}}
keys{/customized toc/page number/temp style/.style={/customized toc/page number/style, /customized toc/page number/left style}}
% Bar
% Coordinates
\coordinate[xshift=#2\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/bar/xoffset}, yshift=.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/bar/height}] (chapterBarBegin) at (currentCenter);
\coordinate[xshift=\chapterBarTempLength, yshift=-\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/bar/height}] (chapterBarEnd) at (chapterBarBegin);
% Drawing the bar
\fill[/customized toc/bar/temp style] (chapterBarBegin) rectangle (chapterBarEnd);
% Page Number
\coordinate[yshift=.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/bar/height}] (pageNumberAnchor) at (chapterBarEnd);
\node [anchor=\tempChapterEntryAnchor, text=white, text width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/page number/width}, align=\tempChapterEntryTikzAlign, /customized toc/page number/temp style] at (pageNumberAnchor) {\thecontentspage};
\coordinate[xshift=#2*-\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/text/xoffset}] (chapterTextAnchor) at (currentCenter);
\node[yshift=\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/text/yoffset}, font=\customizedTocChapterTextFont\tempChapterEntrySideFont, anchor=mid \tempChapterEntryAnchor, text=\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/text/color}] (chapterText) at (chapterTextAnchor) {\mbox{}\parbox[t]{.5\textwidth-\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/text/xoffset}}{\tempChapterEntryParboxAlign#1}};
% Chapter Number
\node[xshift=-1mm, anchor=center, /customized toc/chapter number/style] at (currentCenter) {\thecontentslabel};
% Command that format each chapter entry in the ToC
% Random bar length (between (-1, 1) )
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0mm]
% Calculate the current entry's center
\path let
\p1 = (current page.center)
coordinate (currentCenter) at (\x1, 0);
% Draw the graphical elements
% Bar has positive value
% Bar must have the minimal size needed to display the page number
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\chapterBarTempLength<\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/page number/width}}}{\setlength{\chapterBarTempLength}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/page number/width}+2mm}}{}
% Bar has negative value
% Bar must have the minimal size needed to display the page number
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{-1\chapterBarTempLength<\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/page number/width}}}{\setlength{\chapterBarTempLength}{-\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/page number/width}-2mm}}{}
% Calculating the height of the chapter's entry
\savebox{\chapterEntryBox}{\parbox{.5\textwidth-\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/text/xoffset}}{\customizedTocChapterTextFont#1}}%
\vspace*{\pgfkeysvalueof{/customized toc/space between entries}}%
% Redefine the styling of the chapter entries in the ToC
[0pt] % left
{} % Above code
{\formatChapterEntry} % numbered entry format (the last command can take as argument the chapter's text)
{} % number-less entry format
{} % filler code
[] % Below code
\chapter{This is chapter one}
\section{This is a section}
\section{This is a section}
\chapter{This is chapter two with a very long title}
\section{This is a section}
\section{This is a section}
\chapter{This is chapter three}
\section{This is a section}
\section{This is a section}
\chapter{This is chapter four}
\section{This is a section}
\section{This is a section}