考虑以下使用 tikz-feynman 包的代码:
\feynmandiagram [baseline={(current bounding box.center)},medium, vertical=b to f] {
a [nudge=(-30:5mm)]
-- [photon, edge label=\(p_{1}\)] b [label=190:\(\mu_{1}\)]
-- [fermion, edge label=\(k+p_{1}\)] c,
d[nudge=(220:5mm)] -- [photon, edge label'=\(p_{2}\)] c [label=-30:\(\mu_{2}\)],
c -- [fermion, edge label=\(k+p_{1}+p_{2}\)] e [label=10:\(\mu_{3}\)] -- [fermion, edge label=\(k-p_{4}\)] f [label=176:\(\mu_{4}\)] -- [ fermion, edge label=\(k\)] b,
g [nudge=(150:5mm)] -- [photon, edge label=\(p_{3}\)] e,
h [nudge=(30:5mm)] -- [photon, edge label'=\(p_{4}\)] f,
\feynmandiagram [
baseline={(current bounding box.center)},
vertical'=a to b,
] {
%% Instead of having to specify `fermion` over and over, group them
%% together.
a -- [edge label'=\(k_{1}\)] b [label=0:\(\mu_{2}\)]
-- [edge label'=\(k_{2}\)] c [label=-180:\(\mu_{3}\)]
-- [edge label'=\(k_{3}\)] d [label=-180:\(\mu_{4}\)]
-- [edge label'=\(k_{4}\)] a [label=0:\(\mu_{1}\)],
%% Sometimes, the algorithms gets stuck when trying to figure out the final
%% layout, hence why I'm switching the order of d and c below.
a -- ap [particle=\(p_{1}\)],
b -- bp [particle=\(p_{2}\)],
d -- dp [particle=\(p_{4}\)],
c -- cp [particle=\(p_{3}\)],
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(current bounding box.center)}]
%% Just like before, we create the internal box of fermion lines, but this
%% time we use `draw=none` so they are invisible.
\diagram [vertical'=a to b] {
a -- b [label=0:\(\mu_{2}\)]
-- c [label=-180:\(\mu_{3}\)]
-- d [label=-180:\(\mu_{4}\)]
-- a [label=0:\(\mu_{1}\)],
%% Sometimes, the algorithms gets stuck when trying to figure out the final
%% layout, hence why I'm switching the order of d and c below.
a -- ap [particle=\(p_{1}\)],
b -- bp [particle=\(p_{2}\)],
d -- dp [particle=\(p_{4}\)],
c -- cp [particle=\(p_{3}\)],
%% We now need to add in the fermion lines. Since we just want to connect
%% existing vertices, we use the `\diagram*` command. The parentheses are
%% important as it tells the algorithm that these vertices exist already
%% (instead of trying to create new ones).
\diagram* {
(a) -- [fermion] (b)
-- [fermion] (d)
-- [fermion] (c)
-- (a), %% No fermion line hear as it looks weird with the two arrows
%% overlapping.