刚接触 Latex 遇到问题

刚接触 Latex 遇到问题

我对 LaTeX 还很陌生。我尝试编译一个文件,但发现有很多错误。我该如何纠正它们?

% thesis.tex

% Read: http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/karkare/iitbthesis/
%    FAQ.txt     for frequently asked quetions
%    Changes.txt for changes
%    README      for more information


% IITB PhD Thesis format default settings are:
%   12pt, one-sided printing on a4 size paper
% For two-sided printing, with Chapter starting on odd-numbered pages,
% use the following line instead:  
% To include optional packages, use the \usepackage command.
% For e.g., The package epsfig is used to bring in the Encapsulated
%    PostScript figures into the document.
%    The package times is used to change the fonts to Times Roman;
%% The amssymb package provides various useful mathematical symbols
% \usepackage{numcompress}
\usepackage{bbm}    %%% For some special blackboardfonts
\usepackage{enumerate}  %%% For special numbered lists
\usepackage{url}    %%% For typesetting URLs and email ids
\usepackage{psfrag}     %%insert Symbol or formula in xfig file */
\usepackage[round,sort]{natbib} %%% For better citations
%%%% For better citations
%  Single counter for theorems and theorem-like environments:
% End of Preamble, start of document


% Include the prelude for Title page, abstract, table of contents, etc
% You need to modify it to contain your details
% Include the technical part of the report
\include{chapter1}             % Chapter 1: Introduction
\include{chapter2}             % Chapter 2: A Short Review of Related Research Works
\include{chapter3}             % Chapter 3: FETLA - Finite element thrust line analysis
\include{chapter4}             % Chapter 4: Thrust line analysis of masonry domes
\include{chapter6}             % Chapter 6: Development of two node element for axisymetric shell
\include{chapter5}            % Chapter 5: Study of different problems in masonry dome
\include{chapter7}             % Chapter 7: Concluding Remarks
\include{chapter8}             % Chapter 8: Concluding Remarks
%\renewcommand{\appendixnameI}{\vspace{-40pt}\bf{Appendix I}}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix I}
%\renewcommand{\appendixnameII}{\vspace{-40pt}\bf{Appendix II}}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix II}
%\renewcommand{\appendixnameIII}{\vspace{-40pt}\bf{Appendix III}}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix III}
%  Appendices, if any, must precede the cited literatures.
%  Appendices shall be numbered in Roman Capitals (e.g. Appendix IV)
%   This should follow the appendices, if any, otherwise summary and
%   conclusions chapter.
% Choose your bibliography style
% plain is the basic style, others include ieeetr, siam, asm, etc
% Add the bib file



% For two-sided printing, with Chapter starting on odd-numbered pages,
% use the following line instead:
% To include optional packages, use the \usepackage command.
% For e.g., The package epsfig is should not be used any more: `graphicx` does the job.
% The package newtx is used to change the fonts to a Times Roman clone;
\usepackage{newtxtext, newtxmath} 
\usepackage{bbm} %%% For some special blackboardfonts
\usepackage{enumitem} %%% For special numbered lists: more powerful than enumerate 
\usepackage{url} %%% For typesetting URLs and email ids
%\usepackage{psfrag} %%insert Symbol or formula in xfig file */
\usepackage[round,sort]{natbib} %%% For better citations
%%%% For better citations
% Single counter for theorems and theorem-like environments:
% End of Preamble, start of document
