

当我使用 BMVC(著名的计算机科学会议之一)的原始模板时,它会报告此问题。但其他模板可以工作。所以我非常好奇我在什么地方安装 mactex 不正确。更奇怪的是这个文件可以工作


%% Enter your paper number here for the review copy

\title{Author Guidelines for the\\ British Machine Vision Conference}

% Enter the paper's authors in order
% \addauthor{Name}{email/homepage}{INSTITUTION_CODE}
\addauthor{Susan Student}{http://www.vision.inst.ac.uk/~ss}{1}
\addauthor{Petra Prof}{http://www.vision.inst.ac.uk/~pp}{1}
\addauthor{Colin Collaborator}{[email protected]}{2}

% Enter the institutions
% \addinstitution{Name\\Address}
 The Vision Institute\\
 University of Borsetshire\\
 Wimbleham, UK
 Collaborators, Inc.\\
 123 Park Avenue,\\
 New York, USA

\runninghead{Student, Prof, Collaborator}{BMVC Author Guidelines}

% Any macro definitions you would like to include
% These are not defined in the style file, because they don't begin
% with \bmva, so they might conflict with the user's own macros.
% The \bmvaOneDot macro adds a full stop unless there is one in the
% text already.
\def\etal{\emph{et al}\bmvaOneDot}

% Document starts here
abc  and to print well at one or two pages per sheet.
Additional features include: pop-up annotations for
citations~\cite{Authors06,Mermin89}; a margin ruler for reviewing; and a
greatly simplified way of entering multiple authors and institutions.

{\bf All authors are encouraged to read this document}, even if you have
written many papers before.  As well as a description of the format, the
document contains many instructions relating to formatting problems and
errors that are common even in the work of authors who {\em have}
written many papers before.

\LaTeX\ users should use this template in order to prepare their paper.
Users of other packages should emulate the style and layout of this
example.  Note that best results will be achieved using {\tt pdflatex},
which is available in most modern distributions.

\subsection{Paper length}
Papers must be 9~pages in length, {\em excluding} the bibliography.
%Length is counted from the bottom of the title on the first page.  Therefore, the
%bibliography should begin eight lines into page ten.  This is an
%approximate measure, intended to encourage brevity, but authors should keep
%in mind that blatant disregard of this instruction will cause reviewers to
%require greater originality and impact of the submission.
{\bf Papers which are
clearly overlength will not be reviewed}.  This includes papers where the
margins and formatting are deemed to have been significantly altered from
those laid down by this style guide.  The reason such papers will not be
reviewed is that there is no provision for supervised revisions of
manuscripts.  The reviewing process cannot determine the suitability of the
paper for presentation in nine pages if it is reviewed in twelve.

The bibliography should begin immediately after the paper text.  It may
be of any length, within reason.  It should {\em not} include
annotations, figures, or any other paraphernalia intended to subvert the
paper length requirement.

\subsection{Dual submission} 
By submitting this manuscript to BMVC, the authors assert that it has not
been previously published in substantially similar form, and no paper
currently under submission to a conference contains significant overlap
with this one.  If you are in doubt about the amount of overlap, cite the
dual submission (as described below), and argue in the body of your paper
why this is a nontrivial advance.  a simultaneous journal submission would
be expected to have significant additional material not in the conference
paper, and should not be previously published, nor in the final acceptance
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! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again> 
l.94 \end{document}




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    \put(\LenToUnit{\textwidth},\LenToUnit{-\bmv@ruleroffset}){%right ruler


