Beamer 中的树形侧边栏

Beamer 中的树形侧边栏

我一直在寻找,似乎侧边栏格式是 Beamer 的内置格式。我该如何更改格式,以便将其表示为tree类似输出


First frame without title.
Second frame without title.
Third frame without title.
Fourth frame without title.

这完美地完成了两件事 - 它在每张幻灯片的侧面显示所有标题和副标题。它还将当前幻灯片设置为粗体。


├── blank
│   ├── defaults
│   ├── files
│   ├── handlers
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├── meta
│   ├──
│   ├── tasks
│   ├── templates
│   └── vars
└── Blank
    ├── ansible.cfg
    ├── dev
    │   ├── group_vars
    │   │   └── all
    │   └── hosts
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── plays
    ├── prod
    │   ├── group_vars
    │   │   └── all
    │   └── hosts
    ├── requirements.yml
    ├── roles
    │   ├── external
    │   └── internal
    │       └── blank
    └── site.yml



% total number of sections %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% number of subsections per section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% creating automatic label %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% based on

% Creating the sidebar


\setbeamercolor{section in sidebar}{fg=alerted text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{section in sidebar shaded}{fg=structure}

\setbeamercolor{subsection in sidebar}{fg=alerted text.fg!30!bg}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in sidebar shaded}{fg=structure}
\setbeamercolor{current subsection in sidebar}{fg=alerted text.fg}

\setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{%
        \usebeamerfont{section in sidebar}%
        % parent = title %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        % first level = section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \foreach \i in {1,...,\totvalue{totalsection}}{%
            % get number of subsections in current section
            % insert vertical line + line to right |-
            \else% shorter line for final section
            % insert horzonal line - or T if there are subsection
            % insert hoziontal line -
            % insert hyperline to section
                    \usebeamercolor[fg]{section in sidebar}%
                    \usebeamercolor[fg]{section in sidebar shaded}%
            %   secon level = subsection %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                \foreach \j in {1,...,\thecurrentsub}{%
                    % vertical line to connect section | 
                        \textcolor{bg}{\textSFxi}% not for the last section
                    % insert vertical line + line to right |-
                \else% shorter line for final section
                % insert hoziontal line -
                % insert hyperline to section
                            \usebeamercolor[fg]{current subsection in sidebar}%
                            \usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in sidebar}%
                        \usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in sidebar shaded}%

\title{Some Title}


\section{Section One}

\section{Section Two}

\subsection{subsection a}

\subsection{subsection b}

\subsection{subsection c}

\section{Section Three}

\section{Section Three}

\subsection{subsection a}

\subsection{subsection b}

\subsection{subsection c}


