Microtype 包不支持 dvips 输出

Microtype 包不支持 dvips 输出


我在我的 tex 文件中使用了下面提到的设置。

\DisableLigatures[f]{size=normalsize-}%disable Ligatures

我编译以下命令并获取 TeX 编译的 PDF 输出。

pdflatex sam.tex

我获得了下面提到的良好的字距调整 PDF 输出。


我正在使用相同的设置方法dvi-ps-pdf。但是 microtype 包字距调整对我来说不起作用。我正在使用以下命令。

latex filename.tex
dvips -t unknown filename.dvi
ps2pdf filename.ps



我需要同一种输出pdflatexdvips-ps-pdf 输出。





\DisableLigatures[f]{size=normalsize-}%disable Ligatures


\noindent Identifying the decisive matches in international football tournaments is of great relevance for a variety of decision makers such as organizers, team coaches and/or media managers. This paper addresses this issue by analyzing the role of the statistical approach used to estimate the outcome of the game on the identification of decisive matches on international tournaments for national football teams. We extend the measure of decisiveness proposed by Geenens (2014) in order to allow us to predict or evaluate the decisive matches before, during and after a particular game on the tournament. Using information from the 2014 FIFA World Cup, our results suggest that Poisson and kernel regressions significantly outperform the forecasts of ordered probit models. Moreover, we find that although the identification of the most decisive matches is independent of the model considered, the identification of other key matches is model dependent. We also apply this methodology to identify the favorite teams and to predict the most decisive matches in 2015 Copa America before the start of the competition. Furthermore, we compare our forecast approach with respect to the original measure during the knockout stage.



自动字体扩展在 DVI 模式下不起作用pdflatex(这是运行 时隐式调用的模式latex),因此microtype默认情况下会关闭字体扩展。这会导致您观察到的输出差异。传统上,您必须提前创建和安装扩展字体实例,我不会向不熟悉fontinst(并且倾向于某种程度的受虐狂)的人推荐这样做。


dvilualatex不幸的是,与我之前的想法相反,使用latex也不是一个可行的选择。尽管通过 dvips->pstopdf 路径编译成功,但字形实际上并没有被转换(拉伸或收缩),而只是像它们被放置一样(像这样)。
