




\usetikzlibrary{positioning,fit, calc}


    craneComponent/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, anchor=west, fill=craneColor, text=white, minimum width=3cm },
    systemComponent/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, anchor=north west, fill=sysColor, text=white, minimum width=3cm},
    %domainBox/.style={rectangle, minimum height=7.5cm, align=center},
    title/.style={font=\sffamily, anchor=north west}

\node [title] (adminDom) at (0,0) {Administrative Domain};

% dom0 contents
\node [ craneComponent, below = of adminDom ] (hostDaemon) {Host Migration Daemon};
\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (adminDom) (hostDaemon) }] (bigAdminBox) {};

\node[title, right = of adminDom] (guestDom) {Guest Domain};

% domU contents
% user
\node [ craneComponent, below = of guestDom ] (guestDaemon) {Guest Migration Daemon};
\node [ craneComponent, right = of guestDaemon ] (ourLib) {Interposition Library};
\node [ systemComponent, above = of ourLib ] (app) {OpenCL Application};
\node [ systemComponent, below = of ourLib ] (sysLib) {OpenCL Library};
% kernel
\node[ systemComponent, below = of sysLib] (GpuDriver) {GPU Driver};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of GpuDriver] (Gpu) {GPU};

\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (guestDom) (guestDaemon) (ourLib) (app) (sysLib) (GpuDriver) (Gpu) }] (bigGuestBox) {};

%\node[title, right = of guestDom] (proxyDom) {Proxy Domain};
%\node[title, right = of bigGuestBox] (proxyDom) {Proxy Domain};
\node [title] (proxyDom) at (12, 0) {Proxy Domain};

% proxy contents
% user
\node[ craneComponent, below = of proxyDom] (proxyProcess) {Proxy Process};
\node[ craneComponent, below = of proxyProcess] (rpcStub) {RPC Stub};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of rpcStub] (proxySysLib) {OpenCL Library};
% kernel
\node[ systemComponent, below = of proxySysLib] (proxyGpuDriver) {GPU Driver};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of proxyGpuDriver] (proxyGpu) {GPU};

%\node [ domainBox, right of =right of = bigGuestBox,  bigGuestBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (proxyDom) (proxyProcess) (rpcStub) (proxySysLib) (proxyGpuDriver) (proxyGpu) }] {};
\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (proxyDom) (proxyProcess) (rpcStub) (proxySysLib) (proxyGpuDriver) (proxyGpu) }] {};

% edges:
\draw[->] (hostDaemon) -- (guestDaemon);
\draw[->] (guestDaemon) -- (ourLib);
\draw[->] (ourLib) -- (sysLib);
\draw[->] (app) -- (ourLib);
\draw[->] (ourLib) -- (rpcStub);
\draw[->] (rpcStub) -- (proxySysLib);

我尝试设置 domainBox 类的属性minimum height。以下是我得到的结果: 在此处输入图片描述




\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (adminDom) (hostDaemon) (adminDom.south|-proxyGpu.south) }] (bigAdminBox) {};

这里我添加了(adminDom.south|-proxyGpu.south),即 x 坐标为adminDom.south, y 坐标为 的坐标proxyGpu.south



    craneComponent/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, anchor=west, fill=craneColor, text=white, minimum width=3cm },
    systemComponent/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, font=\scriptsize\ttfamily, anchor=north west, fill=sysColor, text=white, minimum width=3cm},
    %domainBox/.style={rectangle, minimum height=7.5cm, align=center},
    title/.style={font=\sffamily, anchor=north west}

\node [title] (adminDom) at (0,0) {Administrative Domain};

% dom0 contents
\node [ craneComponent, below = of adminDom ] (hostDaemon) {Host Migration Daemon};

\node[title, right = of adminDom] (guestDom) {Guest Domain};

% domU contents
% user
\node [ craneComponent, below = of guestDom ] (guestDaemon) {Guest Migration Daemon};
\node [ craneComponent, right = of guestDaemon ] (ourLib) {Interposition Library};
\node [ systemComponent, above = of ourLib ] (app) {OpenCL Application};
\node [ systemComponent, below = of ourLib ] (sysLib) {OpenCL Library};
% kernel
\node[ systemComponent, below = of sysLib] (GpuDriver) {GPU Driver};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of GpuDriver] (Gpu) {GPU};

%\node[title, right = of guestDom] (proxyDom) {Proxy Domain};
%\node[title, right = of bigGuestBox] (proxyDom) {Proxy Domain};
\node [title] (proxyDom) at (12, 0) {Proxy Domain};

% proxy contents
% user
\node[ craneComponent, below = of proxyDom] (proxyProcess) {Proxy Process};
\node[ craneComponent, below = of proxyProcess] (rpcStub) {RPC Stub};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of rpcStub] (proxySysLib) {OpenCL Library};
% kernel
\node[ systemComponent, below = of proxySysLib] (proxyGpuDriver) {GPU Driver};
\node[ systemComponent, below = of proxyGpuDriver] (proxyGpu) {GPU};

%\node [ domainBox, right of =right of = bigGuestBox,  bigGuestBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (proxyDom) (proxyProcess) (rpcStub) (proxySysLib) (proxyGpuDriver) (proxyGpu) }] {};

% boxes
\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (adminDom) (hostDaemon) (adminDom.south|-proxyGpu.south) }] (bigAdminBox) {};
\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (guestDom) (guestDaemon) (ourLib) (app) (sysLib) (GpuDriver) (Gpu) (guestDom.south|-proxyGpu.south) }] (bigGuestBox) {};

\node [ domainBox, draw=black!50, fit={ (proxyDom) (proxyProcess) (rpcStub) (proxySysLib) (proxyGpuDriver) (proxyGpu) }] {};

% edges:
\draw[->] (hostDaemon) -- (guestDaemon);
\draw[->] (guestDaemon) -- (ourLib);
\draw[->] (ourLib) -- (sysLib);
\draw[->] (app) -- (ourLib);
\draw[->] (ourLib) -- (rpcStub);
\draw[->] (rpcStub) -- (proxySysLib);
