使用 \tikzmark 时,我遇到了非常奇怪的行为,其行为会根据两个帧的顺序而变化。我有一个 MWE(???- 不是那么简单,因为我想保留那些幻灯片上的内容,因为我不确定是什么导致了问题)... 以下顺序产生了我想要的正确行为,如第一张图片所示:
\documentclass[table,xcolor=pdftex,dvipsnames]{beamer} % uncomment this for presentation
,backgrounds %
,fit %
,positioning %
%---This is for highlighting text on overlays ----
%Usage: \hl<2>{...} highlights the text on overlay 2
%This is to circle text
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
\node (marker-\arabic{nodemarkers}-a) at (0,1.5ex) {};%
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
\node (marker-\arabic{nodemarkers}-b) at (0,0){};%
\tikz[overlay,remember picture,inner sep=1.5pt]
\node[draw,ellipse,red, thick, fit=(marker-\arabic{nodemarkers}-a.center) (marker-\arabic{nodemarkers}-b.center)] {};%
\frametitle{UniProt in RDF -- What does the data look like?}
\item<1-> UniProt accession for the human CYP51 protein -- Q16850
\item<1-> Encode it as RDF: \textattachfile{Q16850.rdf}{{\textcolor{blue}{http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q16850.rdf}}}
\item<2-> XML/RDF format
$<$rdf:Description \hl<2->{rdf:about}="http://purl.uniprot.org/citations/\tikzmark{a}8619637"$>$ \\
$<$\tikzmark{b}rdf:type \hl<2->{rdf:resource}="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/\tikzmark{c}Journal\_Citation"/$>$\\
$<$title$>$The ubiquitously expressed human CYP51 encodes lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase, a cytochrome P450 whose expression is regulated by oxysterols.$<$/title$>$ \\
$<$author$>$Stroemstedt M.$<$/author$>$ \\
$<$author$>$Rozman D.$<$/author$>$ \\
$<$author$>$Waterman M.R.$<$/author$>$ \\
$<$skos:exactMatch rdf:resource="http://purl.uniprot.org/pubmed/8619637"/$>$ \\
\item<3-> This can be shown as a table $<$Subject, Predicate, Object $>$
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [right=2.5cm,above=0.5cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:a) (A) {};
\node[right=0.5cm of A] (A1) {\small \alert{Subject}};
\draw [<-,red,thick] ([yshift=5pt,xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a}) to ([xshift=3pt,yshift=-4pt]{A1});
\node [right=1cm,below=0.5cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:b) (B) {};
\node[left=0.2cm of B] (B1) {\small \alert{Predicate}};
\draw [<-,red,thick] ([xshift=15pt]{pic cs:b}) to (B1);
\node [right=2.5cm,below=0.8cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:c) (C) {};
\node[right=0.5cm of C] (C1) {\small \alert{Object}};
\draw [<-,red,thick] ([xshift=15pt]{pic cs:c}) to (C1);
%This slide contains an example from IMDb
\frametitle{RDF Example Instance}
every picture/.style={remember picture,baseline},
every node/.style={
inner sep=0pt,
minimum width=1.8cm,
text depth=.25ex,
outer sep=1.5pt},
every path/.style={
rounded corners
Prefixes: {\texttt mdb=http://data.linkedmdb.org/resource/;
geo=http://sws.geonames.org/ \\
\hspace{2.9cm}bm=http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/bookmashup/ \\ \vspace{-1em}
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|c|} \hline
Subject & Predicate & Object \\ \hline
\tikzmark{a} \circletext{mdb: film/2014} & rdfs:label & \circletext{``The Shining''}\tikzmark{b} \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:initial\_release\_date & ``1980-05-23''' \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:director & mdb:director/8476 \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:actor & mdb:actor/29704 \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:actor & \circletext{mdb: actor/30013}\tikzmark{c} \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:music\_contributor & mdb: music\_contributor/4110 \\
mdb:film/2014 & foaf:based\_near & geo:2635167 \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:relatedBook & bm:0743424425 \\
mdb:film/2014 & movie:language & lexvo:iso639-3/eng \\
mdb:director/8476 & movie:director\_name & ``Stanley Kubrick'' \\
mdb:film/2685 & movie:director & mdb:director/8476 \\
mdb:film/2685 & rdfs:label & ``A Clockwork Orange'' \\
mdb:film/424 & movie:director & \circletext{mdb:director/8476}\tikzmark{d} \\
mdb:film/424 & rdfs:label & ``Spartacus'' \\
%Labels on the sides
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [left=3cm,below=0.5cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:a) (A) {};
\node[left=2cm of A] (A1) {\Huge \alert{URI}};
\draw [<-,red,thick] ([xshift=-15pt]{pic cs:a}) to (A1);
\node [right=6cm,below=0.5cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:b) (B) {};
\node[right=4cm of B] (B1) {\Huge \alert{Literal}};
\draw [<-,out=5,in=180,red,thick] ([xshift=15pt]{pic cs:b}) to (B1);
\node [right=5cm,below=1.5cm,minimum width=0pt] at (pic cs:c) (C) {};
\node[right=4cm of C] (C1) {\Huge \alert{URI}};
\draw[<-,red,thick] ([xshift=15pt]{pic cs:c}) to (C1);
\draw[<-,red,thick] ([xshift=15pt,yshift=7pt]{pic cs:d}) to (C1);