

是否存在现有的工具可以使用分配给该段落的自动段落编号来添加/更新我的 .tex 文件中的注释?

我在 Cygwin (TeX Live 2016) 上使用 pdflatex,并使用基于的自定义类memoir,以及偏执(经过调整)用于段落编号。编号代码的核心是:


\hbox to \paranoboxwidth{\theparano\hfill}}}

我生成了带有段落编号的 PDF,没有任何问题。就我的用例而言,我有时需要按编号引用段落。我希望能够在源中查找编号,但当然,编号不在那里。有没有可以插入它们的工具?例如,我可以运行

pdflatex foo
whatever-tool foo


% #42


我知道我可以将段落编号与输入行号,然后推出我自己的 perl 或 gawk whatever-tool。但是,我想知道是否有什么已经可以做到这一点。

如果这个问题已经得到解答,而我在搜索时错过了,我深表歉意!我能找到的最接近的答案是可逆文档TeX-PDF 审查工作流程,这两者都不是我想要的。另外,如果您需要更多源代码,请告诉我。


好吧,对于任何感兴趣的人,我使用下面的 perl 脚本编写了自己的脚本annotate-parano.pl

在我的特定情况下,我从使用 的修改版 parano.sty 中获取了段落/行号列表newfile。相关部分是:

\everypar{\addtostream{@parano}{\arabic{parano} \parano@sourceline}}



我读到过\everypar在 LaTeX 中进行修改可能会很冒险,但在我的用例中它运行正常。






#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# annotate-parano.pl: Copyright (c) 2017 cxw.  CC-BY 4.0.
# Usage: annotate-parano.pl -m=linemap.txt <file(s)>
# Produces output on stdin.  Line numbers are continuous over any files listed.
# linemap.txt should have one line per marker to be added, with two fields:
# paragraph number and line number.
use v5.10;

# Load the deltas from the given marker file
my @deltas;
my @markers;
my $prevline = 1;   # last line number at which a marker was added

open(my $marker_fd, $m) || die "Can't open marker file $m";
while(<$marker_fd>) {
    my ($parano, $lineno)=split;
    push @deltas, $lineno-$prevline;
    $prevline = $lineno;
    push @markers, "%\@$parano";     # or whatever marker format you want
} #foreach marker

# Mark the provided input
my $lastmarkedline = 1;     # anchor for the deltas.  1 is like $prevline.
my $marker_idx = 0;

while(<>) {
    if( ($marker_idx <= $#deltas) &&
        ( ($.-$lastmarkedline) == $deltas[$marker_idx] ) ) {    # time to mark
        say $markers[$marker_idx];
} #foreach input line


% parano.sty, modified by cxw.
% Changes Copyright (c) 2013--2017 cxw.
%% The original source files were:
%% parano.dtx  (with options: `package')
%% File: parano.dtx Copyright (c) 2003, CV Radhakrishnan
%%       River Valley Technologies, Trivandrum, India
%%       <[email protected]>
%% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
%% Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
%% either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
%% $Id: parano.sty,v 1.3 2003/06/14 19:20:42 cvr Exp cvr $
%% Usage of the commands provided:
%% \parano           ==> starts para numbering
%% \parano[<number>] ==> starts the next para with number <number>
%% \endparano        ==> stops para numbering
%% \prepara          ==> redefine to add material that needs to appear
%%                       before the para number. default is null
%% \postpara         ==> redefine to append material to para number.
%%                       default is null
%% \paranoboxwidth   ==> width of paranumber box, default 2em
\def\Fileversion$#1: #2 ${\gdef\fileversion{#2}}
\def\Filedate$#1: #2 #3 ${\gdef\filedate{#2}}
\Fileversion$Revision: 1.3-cw $
\Filedate$Date: 2015/06/08 00:00:00 $
   [\filedate\space\fileversion\space Paranumber support (CVR) (CW)]
    Package parano v,\fileversion\space loaded\MessageBreak

% Get the current source line number.  Modified from
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/81794/38377 by
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/3954/gonzalo-medina

% Map file: if the "map" option is provided, print the line numbers and
% para numbers to a map file

  % Make the map file.  Thanks to https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/10922/38377
  % by https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/2674/leo-liu
  \typeout{Logging paragraph numbers and line numbers to \jobname.paramap}
    \addtostream{@parano}{\arabic{parano} \parano@sourceline}%




%\typeout{PARINDENT = \the\parindent----PARWIDTH =  \the\parwidth}
  \hbox to \paranoboxwidth{\prepara\theparano\hfill}\postpara}}

   \hbox to \paranoboxwidth{\prepara\theparano\hfill}\postpara}}

%\typeout{PARINDENT = \the\parindent::::PARWIDTH =  \the\parwidth}

  \@tempskipa #1\relax
  \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
    \par \nobreak
    \vskip \@tempskipa
        \begingroup \@svsechd \endgroup
        \@tempskipa #1\relax
        \hskip -\@tempskipa
        \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty

  \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
  \@tempskipa #4\relax
  \ifdim \@tempskipa <\z@
    \@tempskipa -\@tempskipa \@afterindentfalse

%% End of file 'parano.sty'
