错误:未处于 estwide 表的外部 par 模式

错误:未处于 estwide 表的外部 par 模式

我是 TeX 新手。我尝试将表格作为在 Stata 14 中创建的 tex 文件调用。我正在使用 estwide 命令。但我收到一条错误消息“不在外部 par 模式中”。我查看了之前发布的相关问题和答案,但更改并没有纠正错误。我附上了我的代码和 tex 文件。请注意,我有 Stata 以 tex 形式创建的表格的 tex 代码。当我复制并粘贴该 tex 时,没有错误。表格已编译。但是,我正在尝试自动在 TeX 文件中添加表格和图形。我使用的是 OS X El Capitan v.10.11.4。任何帮助都将不胜感激!我无法上传我想添加的 tex 文件。但它在代码“注释”中。谢谢 E. Watson


\usepackage[total={6in,9in}, top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in, includefoot]{geometry}


% Alter some LaTeX defaults for better treatment of figures:
    % See p.105 of "TeX Unbound" for suggested values.
    % See pp. 199-200 of Lamport's "LaTeX" book for details.
    %   General parameters, for ALL pages:
    \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.9}    % max fraction of floats at top
    \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.8} % max fraction of floats at bottom
    %   Parameters for TEXT pages (not float pages):
    \setcounter{totalnumber}{4}     % 2 may work better
    \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2}    % for 2-column pages
    \renewcommand{\dbltopfraction}{0.9} % fit big float above 2-col. text
    \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.07}  % allow minimal text w. figs
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    % N.B.: floatpagefraction MUST be less than topfraction !!
    \renewcommand{\dblfloatpagefraction}{0.7}   % require fuller float pages


%%%%%% NEW PRE %%%%%
% Packages for tables
\usepackage{booktabs}% Pretty tables
\usepackage{threeparttablex}% For Notes below table

% *****************************************************************
% siunitx
% *****************************************************************
\newcommand{\sym}[1]{\rlap{#1}} % Thanks to Joseph Wright & David Carlisle

        group-digits            = false,
        input-symbols           = ( ) [ ] - +,
        table-align-text-post   = false,
        input-signs             = ,

% Character substitution that prints brackets and the minus symbol in text mode. Thanks to David Carlisle
  \mathcode\expandafter`\string-"8000 }

\mathcode\expandafter`\string#1"8000 }

\mathcode\expandafter`\string#1"8000 }


% *****************************************************************
% Estout related things
% *****************************************************************
\let\estinput=\input % define a new input command so that we can still flatten the document

            \textsymbols% Note the added command here

            \textsymbols% Note the added command here

% Allow line breaks with \\ in specialcells

% *****************************************************************
% Custom subcaptions
% *****************************************************************
% Note/Source/Text after Tables
% The new approach using threeparttables to generate notes that are the exact width of the table.
\newcommand{\Starnote}{\Figtext{* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Standard errors in parentheses.}}% Add significance note with \starnote


%%%%%% TABLES %%%%%


%%% This part pasted from tex file stata created. 
%%  It compiles without error.
%\caption{Regression table\label{tab1}}
%                    &\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}\\
%                    &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Price}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Price}\\
%Weight (lbs.)       &       1.747&       3.465\\
%                    &      (2.72)&      (5.49)\\
%Mileage (mpg)       &      -49.51&       21.85\\
%                    &     (-0.57)&      (0.29)\\
%Car type            &            &      3673.1\\
%                    &            &      (5.37)\\
%Constant            &      1946.1&     -5853.7\\
%                    &      (0.54)&     (-1.73)\\
%Observations        &          74&          74\\
%\multicolumn{3}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{t} statistics in parentheses}\\



不在外部 par 模式中意味着您有一个table嵌套在某个不允许表格的环境中的环境。这是另一个表格环境。


\caption{Regression table\label{tab1}}




因此将 atable放入 a 中,threeparttable再放入 a 中table。这行不通,只需使用


