如何在 LaTeX 中将信件中的日期从右侧(默认)移动到左侧?

如何在 LaTeX 中将信件中的日期从右侧(默认)移动到左侧?

我想准备一封求职信,为此我从在线网站下载了一个模板。LaTeX 代码如下。默认情况下,日期显示在右上角。我该如何将其移到左侧?我是 LaTeX 新手,任何有关这方面的帮助都将不胜感激。


\newcommand {\qed}{\mbox{$\Box$}}
\renewcommand {\iff}{\Longleftrightarrow}
\newcommand {\R}{\mathbb{R}}
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\newcommand {\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}
\newcommand {\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}

\newcommand {\sub}{\mbox{SB}}

\begin{letter}{Mathematics Search Committee\\
Department of Mathematics\\
University of Somewhere\\
1234 Math Building
Somewhere, IL, 23456}

\opening{Dear Search Committee,}

My research interests include continuous logic and its application to metric structures from analysis and geometry. My thesis work is on the model theory of $\R$-trees, which are metric spaces of central importance in geometric group theory. I am currently finishing a paper with my advisor, and expect at least one more paper to result from the contents of my thesis.

\closing{Sincerely, }
Sylvia Carlisle\\






\newcommand {\qed}{\mbox{$\Box$}}
\renewcommand {\iff}{\Longleftrightarrow}
\newcommand {\R}{\mathbb{R}}
\newcommand {\N}{\mathbb{N}}
\newcommand {\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}
\newcommand {\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}

\newcommand {\sub}{\mbox{SB}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New stuff
\renewcommand\date[1]{\gdef\@date{\hbox to \linewidth{#1\hss}}}

\begin{letter}{Mathematics Search Committee\\
Department of Mathematics\\
University of Somewhere\\
1234 Math Building
Somewhere, IL, 23456}

\opening{Dear Search Committee,}

My research interests include continuous logic and its application to metric structures from analysis and geometry. My thesis work is on the model theory of $\R$-trees, which are metric spaces of central importance in geometric group theory. I am currently finishing a paper with my advisor, and expect at least one more paper to result from the contents of my thesis.

\closing{Sincerely, }
Sylvia Carlisle\\







