我喜欢在-ie后面排版 ie 并留有半个空白的命令i.\,e
现在棘手的问题是 之后应包含什么内容e.
MWE 包含一些我希望集成的命令。我尝试使用 xspace,但似乎没有帮助。
\newcommand{\ie}{i.\,e. }%1.5 blank
\newcommand{\iens}{i.\,e.}no blank IF followed by sign.
\newcommand{\iesb}{i.\,e.\ }%single blank
\ie without full stop or comma gets me a 1.5 * blank after the \ie's `.'.
\iens: with a full stop or comma (or similar sign) works as intended.
\iesb gets me a correct blank of factor 1.
Can I integrate these commands into a single command that dynamically adds a simple factor 1 blank after the `.` IF no sign directly follows whilst not inserting a blank at all IF a sign directly follows the command?
xspace 包关心是否插入空格,但不关心它是否应该是单词间空格或句子间空格。
有时 a 会更好,因为它禁止换行,请参阅 TeXbook 第 74、91-93 页:
连字符最适合用于名称中的缩写,以及几个其他常见缩写,如“Fig.”、“cf.”、“vs.”和“resp.”之后;您会发现训练自己输入 很容易。事实上,在句子中间出现的常见缩写之后
很多,直到我遇到了一个问题,它没有正确决定。我没有时间弄清楚它是什么,但我假设我的命令嵌套太多了。最后我检查了整个代码,并手动处理了所有的间距。现在我知道xspace 文档说它只能得到最多如果不正确该怎么办?(请参阅第 1 页和第 2 页)。
然而,我决定不再使用 xspace。事实上,TeX 会占用控制字后的空格,只要在控制字后添加一个空格即可{}
(参见 TeXbook 第 204 页)。仍然需要输入参数分隔符,但如果忘记输入,TeX 会报错。而且由于空格不是直接跟在控制序列后面,而是跟在参数分隔符后面,因此不是吞噬。这种方法仍然有两个问题:(1)\def
不检查控制序列是否已经存在(如果存在,它将被悄悄替换)和(2)您仍然需要输入参数分隔符。但是使用一些技巧,您可以让 TeXStudio 的自动完成功能为您插入它:
% #1: macro name, #2: parameter delimiter
% The last '#' is an exceptional parameter delimiter standing for an opening brace (TeXbook page 204).
% the name of the macro without the leading escape character
% if #1 is undefined
% I am using here that \csname is letting #1 to \relax if it is undefined
\expandafter\ifx \csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname \relax
% then
\GenericError{}{Command \@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space already defined}{}{Your command was ignored.}%
% To strip the braces around macro name and parameter delimiter.
% TeXstudio does not recognize the parameter delimiter "\newcommand".
% Therefore I deceive it so that it sees \parameterless as a simple macro without parameters.
% Otherwise the autocompletion would insert an argument between \parameterless and \newcommand.
% #1: \newcommand, \renewcommand or \providecommand, #2: control sequence followed by parameter delimiter
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Command \@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space already defined}{as \expandafter\meaning\csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname}{Your command was ignored.}%
% then
\GenericError{}{\@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space undefined}{}{Your command was ignored.}%
% else
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Use of \@backslashchar parameterless doesn't match its definition}{It should be directly followed by either one of \string\newcommand, \string\renewcommand\space or \string\providecommand.}{Your command was ignored.}%
% #1: control sequence, #2: parameter delimiter
% The last '#' is an exceptional parameter delimiter standing for an opening brace (TeXbook page 204).
% if (#1 is defined) {\@firstoftwo} else {\@secondoftwo}
% the name of the macro without the leading escape character
% if #1 is undefined
% I am using here that \csname is letting #1 to \relax if it is undefined
\expandafter\ifx \csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname \relax
% then
% To deceive TeXstudio into believing \parameterless was a macro without parameters.
% Otherwise the autocompletion would insert undesired braces.
空格后面会吞噬 (LaTeX 2e 来源第 35 页)。
后面的空格仍然不会被占用,因为它不是直接跟在控制字后面,而是跟在参数后面。但是,如果人们忘记了参数,TeX 将不再抱怨。但只要人们使用自动完成功能,就不会忘记插入参数。
请注意,根据以下定义,替换文本必须以 结尾.
% #1: \newcommand, \renewcommand or \providecommand, #2: control sequence followed by parameter delimiter, #3: replacement text
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Command \@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space already defined}{as \expandafter\meaning\csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname}{Your command was ignored.}%
% then
\GenericError{}{\@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space undefined}{}{Your command was ignored.}%
% else
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Use of \@backslashchar abbr doesn't match its definition}{It should be directly followed by one of \string\newcommand, \string\renewcommand\space or \string\providecommand.}{Your command was ignored.}%
% strip the trailing dot so that I can replace it by an explicit end-of-sentence-dot or not-end-of-sentence-dot. (so that it works with upper case abbreviations, too.)
% #1: control sequence, #2: parameter delimiter
% The last '#' is an exceptional parameter delimiter standing for an opening brace (TeXbook page 204).
% if (#1 is defined) {\@firstoftwo} else {\@secondoftwo}
% the name of the macro without the leading escape character
% if #1 is undefined
% I am using here that \csname is letting #1 to \relax if it is undefined
\expandafter\ifx \csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname \relax
% then
% To deceive TeXstudio into believing \abbr was a macro without parameters.
% Otherwise the autocompletion would insert undesired braces.
% #1: \newcommand, \renewcommand or \providecommand, #2: control sequence followed by parameter delimiter, #3: replacement text
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Command \@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space already defined}{as \expandafter\meaning\csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname}{Your command was ignored.}%
% then
\GenericError{}{\@backslashchar\tmp@macroname\space undefined}{}{Your command was ignored.}%
% else
% then
% else
\GenericError{}{Use of \@backslashchar abbr doesn't match its definition}{It should be directly followed by one of \string\newcommand, \string\renewcommand\space or \string\providecommand.}{Your command was ignored.}%
% strip the trailing dot so that I can replace it by an explicit end-of-sentence-dot or not-end-of-sentence-dot. (so that it works with upper case abbreviations, too.)
% #1: control sequence, #2: parameter delimiter
% The last '#' is an exceptional parameter delimiter standing for an opening brace (TeXbook page 204).
% if (#1 is defined) {\@firstoftwo} else {\@secondoftwo}
% the name of the macro without the leading escape character
% if #1 is undefined
% I am using here that \csname is letting #1 to \relax if it is undefined
\expandafter\ifx \csname\tmp@macroname\endcsname \relax
% then
使 TeX 在定义缩写时扩展活动点(与使用缩写时相反)。并且它要求如果想要使用类似于\emph
如果使用缩写时,应扩大活动点,必须用正常的 替换\edef
in 。此外,还必须删除in 。\@abbr@def
如果您收到错误消息,则! Paragraph ended before \@abbr@def was complete
旨在更改其参数中的 catcodes。因此它不能在参数或替换文本中使用。我通过将其声明为来确保这一点\outer
。如果您无论如何尝试这样做,您将收到错误消息! Forbidden control sequence found
无论如何,这是 TeXbook 对缩写“ie”的解释(第 74 页):
借鉴LaTeX 宏 \space 的使用(与 \␣ 相比)我想出了以下解决方案
\iex, bla c
\iex bla c