lettrine 临时字体更改

lettrine 临时字体更改




    \usepackage{xcolor} % für farbigen Text

    \setromanfont[SmallCapsFont={Alegreya Sans SC}]{Alegreya Sans}


    \LettrineA{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. The first 2 words are in small caps. The following words are only here to fill the paper and waste some space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.
    \LettrineB{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. The first 2 words are in italic shape. The following words are only here to fill the paper and waste some space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.


这是一个\FlexibleLettrine宏,您可以为 设置比平常更多的参数\lettrine。然后您可以根据此定义\LettrineA和。\LettrineB

请注意,如果您希望小型大写字体遵循字体更改命令,则必须加载 Alegreya Sans。


\usepackage{xcolor} % für farbigen Text

\setmainfont{Alegreya Sans}[
  UprightFeatures={SmallCapsFont=* SC},
  ItalicFeatures={SmallCapsFont=* SC Italic},
  BoldFeatures={SmallCapsFont=* SC Bold},
  BoldItalicFeatures={SmallCapsFont=* SC Bold Italic},

  % #1 = options to \lettrine
  % #2 = font for lettrine
  % #3 = font for the following word parts
  % #4 = lettrine
  % #5 = following word parts


\LettrineA{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. 
The first 2 words are in small caps. The following 
words are only here to fill the paper and waste some 
space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting 
time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.

\LettrineB{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. 
The first 2 words are in small caps italic shape. The following 
words are only here to fill the paper and waste some 
space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting 
time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.

\LettrineC{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. 
The first 2 words are in italic shape. The following 
words are only here to fill the paper and waste some 
space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting 
time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.

\LettrineD{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. 
The first 2 words are in italic shape. The following 
words are only here to fill the paper and waste some 
space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting 
time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.










\usepackage{xcolor} % für farbigen Text
\setromanfont[SmallCapsFont={Alegreya Sans SC}]{Alegreya Sans}
\lettrine{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. The first 2 words are in small caps. The following words are only here to fill the paper and waste some space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.
\lettrine{T}{his text} is written in a normal font. The first 2 words are in italic shape. The following words are only here to fill the paper and waste some space, time and hopefully no money. But if it is wasting time it is wasting money aswell if we trust old phrases.

