如何验证 cmu 字体系列确实有半点大小的字体

如何验证 cmu 字体系列确实有半点大小的字体

我正在尝试使用 cmu 10.5 pt 排版文档。我在 Windows 10 中下载并安装了 cmu 字体。


我使用 pdflatex 通过 TeXstudio 进行编译。在下面的 MWE 中,设置 \fontsize{10.5}{12} 与 \fontsize{11}{12} 效果相同,而 \fontsize{10}{12} 会使字体太小。如果我取消注释,四行注释行没有任何效果。我做错了什么?

\noindent This template is typeset using the format adopted by the Latin 
 American Journal of Solids and Structures. The fonts used can be download 
in the site and they are subject to the open source regulations. The fonts 
should be be installed in the folder used by the system to store this type
of file.


将字体安装为系统字体后(但 TeX Live 中有较新版本),只需输入



\setmainfont{CMU Serif}


\noindent This template is typeset using the format adopted by the Latin
 American Journal of Solids and Structures. The fonts used can be download
in the site and they are subject to the open source regulations. The fonts
should be be installed in the folder used by the system to store this type
of file.\fontname\font

\noindent This template is typeset using the format adopted by the Latin
 American Journal of Solids and Structures. The fonts used can be download
in the site and they are subject to the open source regulations. The fonts
should be be installed in the folder used by the system to store this type
of file.\fontname\font


并使用 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX 进行编译。不是pdflatex




LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <10.5> not available
(Font)              size <10.95> substituted on input line 7.

如果你想允许任意大小的 cmr,请添加




\noindent This template is typeset using the format adopted by the Latin 
 American Journal of Solids and Structures. The fonts used can be download 
in the site and they are subject to the open source regulations. The fonts 
should be be installed in the folder used by the system to store this type
of file.

我刚刚查看了模板(找到它了)据我所知,cm-unicode 字体实际上仅适用于 Word,对于乳胶,您可以使用标准 cm 字体,使用fix-cm包缩放到任意大小。


但你想使用 cmu,那么

取消注释 cmu 行后警告变为

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmu/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 7.

这意味着 cmu 根本不可用。

我认为与名称“CMU”关联的唯一字体是可用于 luatex 和 xetex 的 Opentype 格式的 CM Unicode 字体,这些 latex fd 文件是否有 OT1 或 T1 编码版本可用?





Barbara 在评论中表示,你可能指的是 cmu 的无斜体,这是一种字体形状,而不是字体系列,ui尽管字体是cmu10.tfm


\noindent This template is typeset using the format adopted by the Latin 
 American Journal of Solids and Structures. The fonts used can be download 
in the site and they are subject to the open source regulations. The fonts 
should be be installed in the folder used by the system to store this type
of file.
