在算法 (algorithm2e) 环境中嵌入文本

在算法 (algorithm2e) 环境中嵌入文本

algorithm不仅将环境用于伪代码,还将其与需要步骤配方列表的任何东西保持一致。在下面的 MWE 中,我创建了一个algorithm环境,并且希望前几行是纯文本。到目前为止一切顺利,换行似乎很好地遵循了边距,但是当换行到第二行时,它有一个奇怪的缩进。



\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}

        Here I have some text that I need to have within the algorithm that 
        sets up the problem, and the text stretches over two  lines. 
        \textbf{Note that the second line has a weird indentation.}
        For all the of the seconds in the day:
            \item This is a very long line that briefly describes the 
            computation I am going to use. \textbf{The margin for some 
            reason is different than the text above!}
            $$ {\omega}_{ik} = 42$$
            where $\omega$ and all these Greek letters mean nothing since
            this is just a MWE, but again note that the text does not end at
            the same spot as the first block of text in the environment.
        \caption{\footnotesize My Little Algorithm}




\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}

        Here I have some text that I need to have within the algorithm that 
        sets up the problem, and the text stretches over two  lines. 
        \textbf{Note that the second line has a weird indentation.}
        For all the of the seconds in the day:
            \item This is a very long line that briefly describes the 
            computation I am going to use. \textbf{The margin for some 
            reason is different than the text above!}
            $$ {\omega}_{ik} = 42$$
            where $\omega$ and all these Greek letters mean nothing since
            this is just a MWE, but again note that the text does not end at
            the same spot as the first block of text in the environment.
        \caption{\footnotesize My Little Algorithm}

