在 Google 上快速搜索会返回与“考试”类相关的内容。我也尝试了\enumerate
\settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 0em}%
} % choice
\section*{No. 2-1}
\subsection*{Section A}
In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose bumps, and this response is widely considered to be vestigial—that is, something formerly having a greater physiological advantage than at present. It occurs when the
Line tiny muscle at the base of a hair follicle contracts, pulling the hair upright. In animals with feathers, fur, or quills, this creates a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for predators to think twice before attacking. But human hair is too puny to serve these
functions. Goose bumps in humans may, however, have acquired a new role. Like flushing—another thermoregulatory (heat-regulating) mechanism—goose bumps have become linked with emotional responses, notably fear, rage, or the pleasure of, say,
listening to beautiful music. They may thus serve as a signal to others.
\item The author claims that most studies of folktales told by Afro-American slaves are inadequate because the studies
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
如何才能使问题标签和选项标签获得如上图所示的相同对齐方式?[编辑以使问题更清晰:] 如何才能摆脱问题标签前的缩进,以便获得与第一张图片相同的布局?- 如何在标签周围画一个椭圆?[添加:我特别感兴趣的是获得与第一张图所示完全相同大小的椭圆。]
\tikz[baseline=(oval.base)]\node[draw,ellipse,inner ysep=0pt,inner xsep=1pt](oval){\makebox[0.8em]{#1\vphantom{A}}};}
\section*{No. 2-1}
\subsection*{Section A}
In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose bumps, and this response is widely considered to be vestigial—that is, something formerly having a greater physiological advantage than at present. It occurs when the
Line tiny muscle at the base of a hair follicle contracts, pulling the hair upright. In animals with feathers, fur, or quills, this creates a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for predators to think twice before attacking. But human hair is too puny to serve these
functions. Goose bumps in humans may, however, have acquired a new role. Like flushing—another thermoregulatory (heat-regulating) mechanism—goose bumps have become linked with emotional responses, notably fear, rage, or the pleasure of, say,
listening to beautiful music. They may thus serve as a signal to others.
\item The author claims that most studies of folktales told by Afro-American slaves are inadequate because the studies
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\item What was the color of George Washinton's white horse?
\choice George
\choice Paul
\choice John
\choice Ringo
\choice Socrates
\begin{enumerate}[wide=0pt, leftmargin=*]