为什么 S(siunitx)列之间的空间太大?

为什么 S(siunitx)列之间的空间太大?


\documentclass[paper = landscape, pagesize]{scrartcl}
    $k$                                    & 1       & 2       & 3       & 4      & 5       & 6    & 7       & 8        & 9        & 10      & 11\\
    $\frac{\vartheta}{\si{\celsius}}$      & 30      & 35      & 40      & 45     & 50      & 55   & 60      & 65       & 70       & 75      & 80\\
    $\frac{U_{AB,m}(\vartheta)}{\si{\mV}}$ & 14,9    & 15,8    & 7,7     & 18,3   & 19      & 20   & 21,1    & 22,2     & 24,3     & 26,9    & 30,1\\
    $\frac{R_{i}(\vartheta)}{\si{\ohm}}$   & 4,26162 & 3,29091 & 3,38843 & 2,0983 & 0,91519 & ,053 & -,70179 & -1,45605 & -1,13902 & -,28405 & 1,21793
  Some text from Wikipedia\footnote{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy}: In statistical thermodynamics, entropy is a measure of the number of microscopic configurations that a thermodynamic system can have when in a state as specified by some macroscopic variables.\\[\baselineskip]
    $k$                                    & 1       & 2       & 3       & 4      & 5       & 6     & 7        & 8        & 9        & 10       & 11\\
    $\frac{\vartheta}{\si{\celsius}}$      & 30      & 35      & 40      & 45     & 50      & 55    & 60       & 65       & 70       & 75       & 80\\
    $\frac{U_{AB,m}(\vartheta)}{\si{\mV}}$ & 14,9    & 15,8    & 17,7    & 18,3   & 19      & 20    & 21,1     & 22,2     & 24,3     & 26,9     & 30,1\\
    $\frac{R_{i}(\vartheta)}{\si{\ohm}}$   & 4,26162 & 3,29091 & 3,38843 & 2,0983 & 0,91519 & 0,053 & -0,70179 & -1,45605 & -1,13902 & -0,28405 & 1,21793



但是为什么与例如 -column 相比,列之间的空间如此之大c。即使我在列之间使用非常小的空间:\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt}





\documentclass[paper = landscape, pagesize]{scrartcl}

\noindent\begin{tabular}{r*{11}{S[table-format = 2.5]}}
    $k$                                    & 1       & 2       & 3       & 4      & 5       & 6    & 7       & 8        & 9        & 10      & 11\\
    $\frac{\vartheta}{\si{\celsius}}$      & 30      & 35      & 40      & 45     & 50      & 55   & 60      & 65       & 70       & 75      & 80\\
    $\frac{U_{AB,m}(\vartheta)}{\si{\mV}}$ & 14,9    & 15,8    & 7,7     & 18,3   & 19      & 20   & 21,1    & 22,2     & 24,3     & 26,9    & 30,1\\
    $\frac{R_{i}(\vartheta)}{\si{\ohm}}$   & 4,26162 & 3,29091 & 3,38843 & 2,0983 & 0,91519 & ,053 & -,70179 & -1,45605 & -1,13902 & -,28405 & 1,21793

  Some text from Wikipedia\footnote{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy}: In statistical thermodynamics, entropy is a measure of the number of microscopic configurations that a thermodynamic system can have when in a state as specified by some macroscopic variables.

    $k$                                    & 1       & 2       & 3       & 4      & 5       & 6     & 7        & 8        & 9        & 10       & 11\\
    $\frac{\vartheta}{\si{\celsius}}$      & 30      & 35      & 40      & 45     & 50      & 55    & 60       & 65       & 70       & 75       & 80\\
    $\frac{U_{AB,m}(\vartheta)}{\si{\mV}}$ & 14,9    & 15,8    & 17,7    & 18,3   & 19      & 20    & 21,1     & 22,2     & 24,3     & 26,9     & 30,1\\
    $\frac{R_{i}(\vartheta)}{\si{\ohm}}$   & 4,26162 & 3,29091 & 3,38843 & 2,0983 & 0,91519 & 0,053 & -0,70179 & -1,45605 & -1,13902 & -0,28405 & 1,21793

结果仍然更宽,因为它总是保留 2.5 位数字的空间,添加前导零并-在数学模式下使用。

也许你也可以将整个表格转置为 4 列 12 行。这样,你就可以更轻松地将其放在一页上。另请查看:我的桌子放不下;我有什么办法吗?
