\positiontextbox{3cm}{10cm}{Hello} % 3 cm from left border of paper
% 10 cm from top border of paper
这将是 HTML/CSS 的 LaTeX 等效版本#mytextbox { position: fixed; left: 20px; top: 100px; }
如何在 LaTeX 中做到这一点?
随着 Ti钾Z节点current page.north west
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
% \draw[step=0.5,gray!80!white] (current page.north west) grid (current page.south east); % For controlling
\node[inner sep=10pt,right, fill=yellow,draw,line width=1pt,#1] at ($(current page.north west) + (#2,-#3)$) {#4};
\positiontextbox[fill=green]{14cm}{5cm}{Hello World}
具有请求的圆圈的版本(换行来自一个非常有用的提示Torbjørn T.)
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
% \draw[step=0.5,gray!80!white] (current page.north west) grid (current page.south east); % For controlling
\node[align=left,circle,inner sep=5pt,right, fill=white,draw,#1] at ($(current page.north west) + (#2,-#3)$) {#4};
\positiontextbox[fill=green]{14cm}{5cm}{Hello\\ World}