


在某些情况下,我在 27 英寸 iMac 上错误地运行了以下命令:

sudo dd if=ubuntu-rescue.img of=/dev/sdt bs=1m


233+1 records in
233+1 records out
244570112 bytes transferred in 2.275065 secs (107500277 bytes/sec)

问题是,我不打算将 ubuntu-rescue.img 移动到 的位置/dev/sdt。哎呀!




ls /dev



For some further analysis, here are various output from various commands:

Not a directory:

    $ cd /dev/sdt
    -bash: cd: /dev/sdt: Not a directory

"Special Character" file

    $ file /dev/sdt
    /dev/sdt: character special

Verbose ls output:

    $ ls -l /dev/sdt
    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    0,   0 Dec 28 14:02 /dev/sdt

"Size of" `/dev/sdt`

    $ du -sk /dev/sdt
    0    /dev/sdt

I ran the same commands from update #1 on a new Mac Mini (that didn't have its `/dev/sdt` drive tampered with `dd`, and it gave me the **exact same** output as I got on the the iMac after I ran the erroneous `dd` command. Does this mean that the /dev/sdt didn't "record" the contents of the dd transfer? Because the "size" of /dev/sdt displays as zero when I run `$ ls -l /dev/sdt`. Could it be that I got lucky and didn't do any permanent damage?

Both of these commands: `$ du -sk /dev/sdt` and `$ ls -l /dev/sdt` give me the same results on the iMac (where the erroneous `dd` command was run) as it did on the untouched Mac Mini, showing that the data stored in `/dev/sdt` reads at 0 bytes. This makes me assume that this drive is a temporary system drive that is not meant to store data, because even after 240 MB of data was erroneously `dd`'d into it, it still reads at zero byes.

Lastly, I was given a good idea (by user frostschutz) to run this command:

    dd if=/dev/sdt of=mystery bs=1M count=234

And compare the results of the "mystery" file with the contents of the ubuntu-resuce.img, and the output from that experimental `dd` left me with a file called "mystery" which was exactly zero bytes. So I am starting to feel confident that I didn't do any lasting damage, and that this drive is always empty.

After listening to your very helpful discussions, and reading more on an [another (separate, but closely-related) question of mine here on U&L][1], I discovered that my question has already been asked, so for anyone wanting to read more on this discussion, you can look [here][2].

  [1]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/176304/why-does-the-unix-system-need-so-many-0-byte-drives-at-dev?noredirect=1#comment291323_176304
  [2]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18239/understanding-dev-and-its-subdirs-and-files


我惊讶地发现我的 Mac Book Air有一个/dev/sdt字符特殊装置。由于我无法理解它的本质,我查阅了我的副本适合 Unix 极客的 Mac OS X。第 60 页有所有条目的列表/dev特殊和特殊待遇确实提到了,但解释却毫无启发性:





别担心 - 它总是空的,并且数据似乎没有去任何重要的地方。

以防万一您遇到这个问题真实的驱动器,这种工作(恢复整个删除的分区)的最佳程序称为TestDisk,作者:Chrstophe Grenier。你可以下载它这里


将 img 文件添加到 sdt 后,您是否注意到系统出现任何故障?

如果没有 - 我想你是安全的。/dev/sdXYZ通常是代表文件的存储LUN。由于与 sdx、sdfa 或 sdlg 相同的原因,sdt 可能没有记录 - 默认情况下不附加它们。

我看到该文件的次要编号和主要编号均为零,因此如果它确实是存储设备,则它不会附加。如果您没有注意到系统出现任何故障,我想说您只是将 img 文件复制到宇宙另一边的黑洞 [又名 /dev/null :) ]。
