

这篇文章是使用 Stargazer 切断表格。我又遇到了一个关于桌子被截断的问题。不过这次似乎与桌子宽度有关。

我尝试充实代码,而之前我使用的是 R Studio 中各种软件包可生成的简单片段。这里的重点是,我一直在尝试让表格更好地适应空间,因为它目前超出了页面范围 - 这是低效的,因为它似乎不会向左移动。


Cut off table

\settowidth\mylength{Multicultu} % width of 2nd col.
\setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{}  \label{} 
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l p{\mylength} LLLLL @{}}  
& Test & Trust & Demographics & Immigration & Economic Model & Issue     Satisfaction & Demographic No Country \\ 
1 & R2 & 0.016 & 0.2 & 0.086 & 0.007 & 0.021 & 0.027 \\ 
2 & Predicted & 83.20\% & 83.3\%\% & 83.40\% & 82.7\%\% & 83.20\% & 84.50\% \\ 
  3 & AUC Index & 0.585 & 0.79 & 0.701 & 0.559 & 0.603 & 0.61 \\ 
  4 & Sum of squared errors & 4861.786003 & 4773.002716 & 1847.897222 & 1249.544564 & 5009.179836 & 5310.168732 \\ 
  5 & Expected value$|$H0 & 4862.80413 & 4777.131906 & 1835.302972 & 1249.164639 & 5003.713449 & 5311.013662 \\ 
  6 & SD & 0.545436987 & 3.006760697 & 1.739686944 & 0.10557875 & 0.673923831 & 0.953354286 \\ 
  7 & Z & -1.866627646 & -1.373301832 & 7.239377177 & 3.598496041 & 8.111283371 & -0.886270167 \\ 
  8 & P & 0.061953604 & 0.169658533 & 4.51E-13 & 0.000320063 & 5.01E-16 & 0.375471961 \\ 



! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.

因为它有 7 个声明列但有 8 列数据。

添加一个额外的 L 来解决这个问题,然后你就会收到警告

Package tabularx Warning: X Columns too narrow (table too wide)
(tabularx)                 on input line 26.










enter image description here


\setlength\tabcolsep{1pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{}  \label{} 

\begin{tabular}{@{}rp{2cm} *{6}{D..{1.9}}@{}}  
\hd{Test} &
\hd{Demo-\\graphics} &
1 & R2 & 0.016 & 0.2 & 0.086 & 0.007 & 0.021 & 0.027 \\ 
2 & Predicted & 83.20\% & 83.3\%\% & 83.40\% & 82.7\%\% & 83.20\% & 84.50\% \\ 
  3 & AUC Index & 0.585 & 0.79 & 0.701 & 0.559 & 0.603 & 0.61 \\ 
  4 & Sum of\newline squared errors & 4861.786003 & 4773.002716 & 1847.897222 & 1249.544564 & 5009.179836 & 5310.168732 \\ 
  5 & Expected value$|$H0 & 4862.80413 & 4777.131906 & 1835.302972 & 1249.164639 & 5003.713449 & 5311.013662 \\ 
  6 & SD & 0.545436987 & 3.006760697 & 1.739686944 & 0.10557875 & 0.673923831 & 0.953354286 \\ 
  7 & Z & -1.866627646 & -1.373301832 & 7.239377177 & 3.598496041 & 8.111283371 & -0.886270167 \\ 
  8 & P & 0.061953604 & 0.169658533 & 4.51E-13 & 0.000320063 & 5.01E-16 & 0.375471961 \\ 



\setlength\tabcolsep{1pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{}  \label{} 

\begin{tabular}{@{}rp{2cm} *{6}{D..{1.9}}@{}}  
\hd{Test} &
\hd{Demo-\\graphics} &
1 & R2 & 0.016 & 0.2 & 0.086 & 0.007 & 0.021 & 0.027 \\ 
2 & Predicted & 83.20\% & 83.3\%\% & 83.40\% & 82.7\%\% & 83.20\% & 84.50\% \\ 
  3 & AUC Index & 0.585 & 0.79 & 0.701 & 0.559 & 0.603 & 0.61 \\ 
  4 & Sum of\newline squared errors & 4861.786003 & 4773.002716 & 1847.897222 & 1249.544564 & 5009.179836 & 5310.168732 \\ 
  5 & Expected value$|$H0 & 4862.80413 & 4777.131906 & 1835.302972 & 1249.164639 & 5003.713449 & 5311.013662 \\ 
  6 & SD & 0.545436987 & 3.006760697 & 1.739686944 & 0.10557875 & 0.673923831 & 0.953354286 \\ 
  7 & Z & -1.866627646 & -1.373301832 & 7.239377177 & 3.598496041 & 8.111283371 & -0.886270167 \\ 
  8 & P & 0.061953604 & 0.169658533 & 4.51E-13 & 0.000320063 & 5.01E-16 & 0.375471961 \\ 


D..{2.9}实际上,您需要一种允许使用减号的格式,但如上所述,对于表格来说,9 位小数似乎太多了。


\setlength\tabcolsep{1pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{}  \label{} 

\begin{tabular}{@{}r>{\raggedright}p{1.4cm} *{6}{D..{2.9}}@{}}  
\hd{Test} &
\hd{Demo-\\graphics} &
1 & R2 & 0.016 & 0.2 & 0.086 & 0.007 & 0.021 & 0.027 \\ 
2 & Predicted & 83.20\% & 83.3\%\% & 83.40\% & 82.7\%\% & 83.20\% & 84.50\% \\ 
  3 & AUC\\ Index & 0.585 & 0.79 & 0.701 & 0.559 & 0.603 & 0.61 \\ 
  4 & Sum of\\ squared errors & 4861.786003 & 4773.002716 & 1847.897222 & 1249.544564 & 5009.179836 & 5310.168732 \\ 
  5 & Expec-\\ted value$|$H0 & 4862.80413 & 4777.131906 & 1835.302972 & 1249.164639 & 5003.713449 & 5311.013662 \\ 
  6 & SD & 0.545436987 & 3.006760697 & 1.739686944 & 0.10557875 & 0.673923831 & 0.953354286 \\ 
  7 & Z & -1.866627646 & -1.373301832 & 7.239377177 & 3.598496041 & 8.111283371 & -0.886270167 \\ 
  8 & P & 0.061953604 & 0.169658533 & 4.51E-13 & 0.000320063 & 5.01E-16 & 0.375471961 \\ 





  • 字体大小:\small
  • 表环境tabularx
  • 使用S列的类型为数字
  • 减少\tabcolsep到零
  • 考虑大卫·卡莱尔米科评论(在他们的答案中)


enter image description here

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}


\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % default: 6pt
\label{tab:my problematic table}
 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}   l @{\ } 
                                    L @{\quad}
                             @{} }
    & Test & Trust & {Demographics} & {Immigration} 
        & {\thead{Economic\\ Model}} & {\thead{Issue\\ Satisfaction}} 
            & {\thead{Demographic\\ No Country}} \\
 1 & R2         & 0.016         & 0.2           & 0.086         & 0.007         & 0.021         & 0.027       \\
 2 & Predicted  & 83.20\%       & 83.3\%\%      & 83.40\%       & 82.7\%\%      & 83.20\%       & 84.50\%     \\
 3 & AUC Index  & 0.585         & 0.79          & 0.701         & 0.559         & 0.603         & 0.61        \\
 4 & Sum of squared errors 
                & 4861.786003   & 4773.002716   & 1847.897222   & 1249.544564   & 5009.179836   & 5310.168732 \\
 5 & Expected value$|$H0 
                & 4862.80413    & 4777.131906   & 1835.302972   & 1249.164639   & 5003.713449   & 5311.013662 \\
 6 & SD         & 0.545436987   & 3.006760697   & 1.739686944   & 0.10557875    & 0.673923831   & 0.953354286 \\
 7 & Z          & -1.866627646  & -1.373301832  & 7.239377177   & 3.598496041   & 8.111283371   & -0.886270167\\
 8 & P          & 0.061953604   & 0.169658533   & 4.51e-13      & 0.000320063   & 5.01e-16      & 0.375471961 \\


    \settowidth\mylength{Multicultu} % width of 2nd col.
    \setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} % default: 6pt
    \caption{}  \label{} 
      & Test & Trust & Demographics & Immigration & Economic Model & Issue Satisfaction & Demographic No Country \\ 
     1 & R2 & 0.016 & 0.2 & 0.086 & 0.007 & 0.021 & 0.027 \\ 
     2 & Predicted & 83.20\% & 83.3\%\% & 83.40\% & 82.7\%\% & 83.20\% & 84.50\% \\ 
     3 & AUC Index & 0.585 & 0.79 & 0.701 & 0.559 & 0.603 & 0.61 \\ 
     4 & Sum of squared errors & 4861.786003 & 4773.002716 & 1847.897222 & 1249.544564 & 5009.179836 & 5310.168732 \\ 
      5 & Expected value$|$H0 & 4862.80413 & 4777.131906 & 1835.302972 & 1249.164639 & 5003.713449 & 5311.013662 \\ 
      6 & SD & 0.545436987 & 3.006760697 & 1.739686944 & 0.10557875 & 0.673923831 & 0.953354286 \\ 
      7 & Z & -1.866627646 & -1.373301832 & 7.239377177 & 3.598496041 & 8.111283371 & -0.886270167 \\ 
      8 & P & 0.061953604 & 0.169658533 & 4.51E-13 & 0.000320063 & 5.01E-16 & 0.375471961 \\ 

enter image description here



  • 请问,您在做什么,为什么小数点后显示 8 或 9 位数字?三位数应该足够了。要么手动执行舍入,要么加载包siunitx并让包的S列类型为您执行舍入。

  • >{\hsize=7.5\hsize}X到底是什么意思呢?我看不出有什么理由不让六个(而不是五个)数据列的宽度相等。

  • 您有几个例子\%\%——它看起来很乱。

  • flushleft不需要使用环境。不要使用它。


enter image description here
