缺少 $ 和 }?

缺少 $ 和 }?

我收到“插入了缺失的 $”和“插入了缺失的 }。额外的 },或者忘记了 \endgroup”




As is clearly shown in this bar chart that is absolutely,
incontrovertibly, and significantly different from all other
figures shown previously, the doramus bar goes ``Woo!'' because
it can fly, but notice how tidanme is actually quite sad due to a
physical disorder that has prevented it from being taller. The
disruptive selection is clear here though, as sound frequencies
that are really really high (RRH) are very common while sound
frequencies that are really really low (RRL) are common when
added together and multiplying by $(i(2z)+42)$ where $z$ \in









As is clearly shown in this bar chart that is absolutely,
incontrovertibly, and significantly different from all other
figures shown previously, the doramus bar goes ``Woo!'' because
it can fly, but notice how tidanme is actually quite sad due to a
physical disorder that has prevented it from being taller. The
disruptive selection is clear here though, as sound frequencies
that are really really high (RRH) are very common while sound
frequencies that are really really low (RRL) are common when
added together and multiplying by $(i(2z)+42)$ where $z$ \in




! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.17 ... multiplying by $(i(2z)+42)$ where $z$ \in

这个错误信息实际上向我展示了问题所在,它是正如 Christian Hupfer 在评论中指出的那样\in


! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 



! LaTeX Error: \begin{center} on input line 7 ended by \end{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.23 \end{document}

或者换句话说,你忘记了\end{center}正如 LShaver 在评论中指出的那样。在这种情况下,这些错误可以再次成功纠正,这就是为什么您确实获得了基本正常运行的输出,但一般来说,这不值得依赖。相反,我们需要在遇到错误时修复它们。

我有几个一般性的意见。首先,我们需要将整个数学表达式括在 中$ ... $。实际上,将 括z在中是完全正确的$ ... $,如果您在句子中单独使用数学变量,那么您所得到的就是正确的,例如:

where $z$ is real.

在这里,您使用了正确的逻辑标记来标记出z一个数学对象,它将采用正确的字体,并且您拥有一对内的单个逻辑数学单元的整体$ ... $

但是在你的例子中,数学单位并不以 结尾,z它需要考虑其后的所有内容。许多新用户可能会认为$ ... $这是一种获取特殊符号的黑客手段,但要小心这种诱惑。例如

where z $\in$ $\mathbb{R}$ \textbackslash $\frac{$\pi$}{2}$

是刚接触 LaTeX 的人有时会犯的简单错误。相反,重要的是将其视为$ ... $标记一个逻辑、语义单元,它表示,这是我的数学对象/单元,所有内容都需要放在那里,因为$ ... $它不仅提供特殊符号,还为你设置数学,为你提供适当的间距、适当的字体、适当的字距等等。


added together and multiplying by $(i(2z) + 42)$ where $z \in
\mathbb{R} \backslash \frac{\pi}{2}$.


  z \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \frac{\pi}{2} \quad \text{and} \quad z
  \in \mathbb{R} \backslash \frac{\pi}{2}







    As is clearly shown in this bar chart that is absolutely,
    incontrovertibly, and significantly different from all other
    figures shown previously, the doramus bar goes ``Woo!'' because it
    can fly, but notice how tidanme is actually quite sad due to a
    physical disorder that has prevented it from being taller. The
    disruptive selection is clear here though, as sound frequencies
    that are really really high (RRH) are very common while sound
    frequencies that are really really low (RRL) are common when added
    together and multiplying by $(i(2z) + 42)$ where
    $z \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \frac{\pi}{2}$.






    As is clearly shown in this bar chart that is absolutely,
    incontrovertibly, and significantly different from all other
    figures shown previously, the doramus bar goes ``Woo!'' because it
    can fly, but notice how tidanme is actually quite sad due to a
    physical disorder that has prevented it from being taller. The
    disruptive selection is clear here though, as sound frequencies
    that are really really high (RRH) are very common while sound
    frequencies that are really really low (RRL) are common when added
    together and multiplying by $(i(2z) + 42)$ where
    $z \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \frac{\pi}{2}$.


