将 tikz 处的线连接到路径 II

将 tikz 处的线连接到路径 II

该问题与以下内容直接相关: 修正 tikz 到路径的线连接请先看一下这个问题。


有什么解决办法吗?我想我必须触发 \tikz@moveto@waiting,但我不知道该怎么做。


\tikzset{mypath/.style = {to path={
%Save current path, because (\tikztostart) at the coordinate-command will start a new one

(\tikztostart) coordinate (start)%necessary to get correct coordinates in the case of relativ start/end or constructions like ((node1)-|(node2))
(\tikztotarget) coordinate (end)

\edef\path@direction{\pgfmathresult}%Calculate direction(angle) of path
\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{\my@saved@path}%%switch back to old path
%Connect to old path for proper linejoin

%set middle node
($(start) ! .5 ! (end)$)node[draw,circle,rotate=\path@direction] (node) {}

%Draw a short connection at the end for proper linejoin

\tikzset{every picture/.style=thick}
     \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Ok};
     \draw (0,0) coordinate(A);
     \draw (0,-1) coordinate(B);
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A)to[mypath](B);
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Not Ok};
    \draw (0,0) node(A){};
    \draw (0,-1) node(B){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A)to[mypath](B);
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Ok};
    \draw (0,0) node(A){};
    \draw (0,-1) node(B){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A.center)to[mypath](B);

在此处输入图片描述 这里的问题是水平线是直线,它不应该出现。最右边的例子垂直线的中断可以忽略,这只是由于节点的内部分离造成的。




    %This coordinate is no node(but a relative position or a coordinate), no further handling needed
    % Anchor is used, do nothing!
        \pgfpathmoveto{\tikz@last@position}%force movement, because tikz@moveto@waiting
        \edef#1{#1.center}%ensure using center anchor

\tikzset{mypath/.style = {to path={
        %Save current path, because (\tikztostart) at the coordinate-command will start a new one
        (\tikztostart) coordinate (start)%necessary to get correct coordinates in the case of relativ start/end or constructions like ((node1)-|(node2))
        (\tikztotarget) coordinate (end)

        %   \let\tikz@moveto@waiting=\relax
            \edef\path@direction{\pgfmathresult}%Calculate direction(angle) of path
            \pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{\my@saved@path}%%switch back to old path
        %Connect to old path for proper linejoin

        %set middle node
        ($(start) ! .5 ! (end)$)node[draw,circle,rotate=\path@direction] (node) {}

        %Draw a short connection at the end for proper linejoin

\tikzset{every picture/.style=thick}
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Ok};
    \draw (0,0) coordinate(A);
    \draw (-1,-1) coordinate(B);    \draw (-2,-1) node(C){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A)to[mypath](B)to[mypath](C);
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Now Ok};
    \draw (0,0) node(A){};
    \draw (-1,-1) node(B){};\draw (-2,-1) node(C){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A)to[mypath](B)to[mypath](C);
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Not Ok};
    \draw (0,0) node(A){};
    \draw (-1,-1) node(B){};\draw (-2,-1) node(C){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A)to[mypath]++(-1,-1)to[mypath](C);
    \draw (0,1.5)node[right]{Ok};
    \draw (0,0) node(A){};
    \draw (-1,-1) node(B){};\draw (-2,-1) node(C){};
    \draw (A) to[mypath](0,1)to[mypath](1,0) (A.center)to[mypath]++(-1,-1)to[mypath](C);
