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    \caption{My caption}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{Start composition}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{End composition}     & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Relative error} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Net convective flux $\frac{mol}{m^2 s}$} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{{[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{{[}0.5; 0.4; 0.1{]}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{0.0948}         & \multicolumn{1}{c}{-4.481e-5}                               \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.41; 0.09{]}                   & 0.1110                             & -4.845e-5                                                   \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.42; 0.08{]}                   & 0.13                               & -5.503e-5                                                   \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.43; 0.07{]}                   & 0.1520                             & -5.8641e-5                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.44; 0.06{]}                   & 0.1803                             & -6.508e-5                                                   \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.45; 0.05{]}                   & 0.2099                             & -7.2323e-5                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.46; 0.04{]}                   & 0.2506                             & -8.1422e-5                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.47; 0.03{]}                   & 0.3002                             & -9.3138e-5                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.48; 0.02{]}                   & 0.3626                             & -1.0982e-4                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.49; 0.01{]}                   & 0.4593                             & -1.3841e-4                                                  \\
    {[}0.4; 0.3; 0.3{]}                     & {[}0.5; 0.5; 0.0{]}                     & 0.9588                             & -0.0019                                                    


我在多行中收到的错误是额外的对齐制表符已更改为 \cr。




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\newcommand{\data}[8]{[#1; #2; #3] & [#4; #5; #6] & #7 & #8 \\}
\caption{My caption}
Start composition  & End composition & Relative error & Net convective flux $\frac{mol}{m^2 s}$ \\



[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.41; 0.09] & 0.1110 & -4.845e-5 \\ \relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.42; 0.08] & 0.13   & -5.503e-5 \\ \relax


在我看来,最简单的解决方法是如果下一行以符号开头,则将“ ”替换\\为“ ” 。\\\relax[

我还建议您更改第 3 列和第 4 列的列类型,以便列中的数字在各自的小数点标记上对齐(水平)。



\caption{My caption}
       S[table-format=-1.4e1,tight-spacing] @{}}
Start composition & End composition & {Relative error} & {Net convective flux} \\
&&& {(\si[per-mode=symbol]{\mol\per\meter\squared})}\\ 
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.40; 0.10] & 0.0948 & -4.481e-5  \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.41; 0.09] & 0.1110 & -4.845e-5  \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.42; 0.08] & 0.13   & -5.503e-5  \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.43; 0.07] & 0.1520 & -5.8641e-5 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.44; 0.06] & 0.1803 & -6.508e-5  \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.45; 0.05] & 0.2099 & -7.2323e-5 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.46; 0.04] & 0.2506 & -8.1422e-5 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.47; 0.03] & 0.3002 & -9.3138e-5 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.48; 0.02] & 0.3626 & -1.0982e-4 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.49; 0.01] & 0.4593 & -1.3841e-4 \\\relax
[0.4; 0.3; 0.3] & [0.5; 0.50; 0.00] & 0.9588 & -0.0019
