

我一直试图通过 tablesgenerator 创建一个(简单)表格,但到目前为止输出的结果并不令人满意。我想创建下表(表 4. 所选内容摘要....),但它不适合我的页面。要么它太大,要么当我使用\resizebox函数或时它变得太小adjustbox需要桌子 我在这个论坛上查找了很多信息并尝试了很多方法,但迄今为止都没有成功。在此处输入图片描述 以下代码绘制了上面的表格(表 3.1)。希望有人能帮助我!非常感谢!


    \caption{My caption}
    \textbf{Model}          & \textbf{Breach morphology}                    & \textbf{Flow}                               & \textbf{Sediment transport capacity}         & \textbf{Geomechanics}                                  & \textbf{Solution method}                         & \textbf{Remarks}                          \\ \midrule
                            & 1D Exner equation                             & 1D St.Venant equations                      & Multiple formulas                            & Longitudinal slope stability                           & Fine difference,uncoupled                        & Overtopping, no lateral erosion           \\
    DEICH\_N1 and DEICH\_N2 & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner quation            & Shallo water equations                      & Nine different formulas availabe             &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled                 &                                           \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA              &                                                        & 2D numerical model, uncoupled                    & Validated with Norweigian field tests     \\
                            & Clear-water scour                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate & 3D slope stability                                     & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled               & Noncohesive dam, overtopping              \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load     & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability & 2D finite volume ( Roe and HLL), uncoupled       & Noncohesive levee, overtopping            \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formula for bed-load                         & Lateral erosion,vertical erosion, and slope stability  & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled & Noncohesive overtopping                   \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action & Soulsby formula                              & Bed avalanching                                        & 2D finite difference, uncoupled                  & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\
                            & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport      & Generelized shallow water equations         & Wu etal. total-load capacity formula         & Lateral erosion and slope stability ( repose angle)    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled        & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\
                            & 2D nonequilirbium sediment transport          & Generalized shallow water equations         & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load     & Slope stability (repose angle)                         & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled             & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\ \bottomrule




  1. 我使用了sidewaystable旋转包中的环境;这将为表格列腾出更多空间。
  2. 我删除了\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}并使用了tabularx
  3. 为了避免出现太多奇怪的连字符,并且需要完全对齐,我使用了\raggedright
  4. 为了获得更多空间,我将默认值tabcolsep从更改4pt2pt
  5. 使用\sffamily还可以提供更多的空间。
  6. 最后,使用\small将节省一些额外的空间而不会牺牲可读性。



    \caption{My caption}
    \textbf{Model}          & \textbf{Breach morphology}                    & \textbf{Flow}                               & \textbf{Sediment transport capacity}         & \textbf{Geomechanics}                                  & \textbf{Solution method}                         & \textbf{Remarks}                          \\ \midrule
                            & 1D Exner equation                             & 1D St.Venant equations                      & Multiple formulas                            & Longitudinal slope stability                           & Fine difference,uncoupled                        & Overtopping, no lateral erosion           \\
    DEICH\_N1 and DEICH\_N2 & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner quation            & Shallo water equations                      & Nine different formulas availabe             &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled                 &                                           \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA              &                                                        & 2D numerical model, uncoupled                    & Validated with Norweigian field tests     \\
                            & Clear-water scour                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate & 3D slope stability                                     & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled               & Noncohesive dam, overtopping              \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load     & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability & 2D finite volume ( Roe and HLL), uncoupled       & Noncohesive levee, overtopping            \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formula for bed-load                         & Lateral erosion,vertical erosion, and slope stability  & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled & Noncohesive overtopping                   \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action & Soulsby formula                              & Bed avalanching                                        & 2D finite difference, uncoupled                  & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\
                            & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport      & Generelized shallow water equations         & Wu etal. total-load capacity formula         & Lateral erosion and slope stability ( repose angle)    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled        & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\
                            & 2D nonequilirbium sediment transport          & Generalized shallow water equations         & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load     & Slope stability (repose angle)                         & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled             & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\ \bottomrule





  • 可以增加文本宽度(通过使用\usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry}
  • 单元格内容可以分成多行
  • 表格内容的字体大小为\footnotesize




编辑:我认识到在答案的第一个版本中我忘记添加代码示例(姆韦)。 这是:

\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}

%-------------------------------- show page layout, only for test

\caption{My caption}
    & \textbf{Breach morphology}
        & \textbf{Flow}
            & \textbf{Sediment transport capacity}
                & \textbf{Geomechanics}
                    & \textbf{Solution method}
                        & \textbf{Remarks}                                          \\
    & 1D Exner equation                     & 1D St.Venant equations
    & Multiple formulas                     & Longitudinal slope stability
    & Fine difference,uncoupled             & Overtopping, no lateral erosion       \\
    & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner quation    & Shallo water equations
    & Nine different formulas availabe      &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled      &                                       \\
    & 2D Exner equation                     & 2D shallow water equations
    & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA       &
    & 2D numerical model, uncoupled         & Validated with Norweigian field tests \\
    & Clear-water scour                     & 2D shallow water equations
    & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate
                                            & 3D slope stability                                    
    & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled    & Noncohesive dam, overtopping          \\
    & 2D Exner equation                     & 2D shallow water equations
    & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load
                                    & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability
    & 2D finite volume ( Roe and HLL), uncoupled
                                    & Noncohesive levee, overtopping                \\
    & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation
                                    & 2D shallow water equations
    & Formula for bed-load          & Lateral erosion,vertical erosion, and slope stability
    & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled
                                    & Noncohesive overtopping                       \\
    & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation
                                    & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action
    & Soulsby formula               & Bed avalanching
    & 2D finite difference, uncoupled       & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\
    & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport
                                    & Generelized shallow water equations
    & Wu etal. total-load capacity formula
                                    & Lateral erosion and slope stability ( repose angle)
    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled
                                    & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\
    & 2D nonequilirbium sediment transport
                                    & Generalized shallow water equations
    & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load
                                    & Slope stability (repose angle)
    & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled
                                    & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\







\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default: 6pt

\begin{longtable}{@{} p{\firstcolwidth} 
    *{6}{P{\othercolwidth}} @{}}
    \caption{My caption} \label{tab:my-label}\\
Model & Breach morphology & Flow & Sediment transport capacity & Geomechanics & Solution method & Remarks \\ 
\multicolumn{7}{@{}l@{}}{Table \ref{tab:my-label}, continued}\\ \addlinespace
Model & Breach morphology & Flow & Sediment transport capacity & Geo\-mechanics & Solution method & Remarks \\ 

\multicolumn{7}{@{}r@{}}{continued on following page}\\

                            & 1D Exner equation                             & 1D St. Venant equations                      & Multiple formulas                            & Longitudinal slope stability                           & Fine difference, uncoupled                        & Overtopping, no lateral erosion           \\ \addlinespace
DEICH\_N1 and DEICH\_N2     & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner equation            & Shallow water equations                      & Nine different formulas available             &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled                 &                                           \\ \addlinespace
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA              &                                                        & 2D numerical model, uncoupled                    & Validated with Norwegian field tests     \\ \addlinespace
                            & Clear-water scour                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate & 3D slope stability                                     & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled               & Noncohesive dam, overtopping              \\ \addlinespace
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load     & Lateral erosion,  vertical erosion, and slope stability & 2D finite volume (Roe and HLL), uncoupled       & Noncohesive levee, overtopping            \\ \addlinespace
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formula for bed-load                         & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability  & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled & Noncohesive overtopping                   \\ %\addlinespace
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action & Soulsby formula                              & Bed avalanching                                        & 2D finite difference, uncoupled                  & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\ \addlinespace
                            & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport      & Generalized shallow water equations         & Wu et~al.\ total-load capacity formula         & Lateral erosion and slope stability (repose angle)    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled        & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\ \addlinespace
                            & 2D non\-equilib\-rium sediment transport          & Generalized shallow water equations         & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load     & Slope stability (repose angle)                         & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled             & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\ 

