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表中的虚线表示 p{0.5\textwidth} 选项


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    \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{from the textbook}&\multicolumn{1}{c|}{from the articles}\\
    \ding{172} p.34 Explaining significance\newline \textbf{fundamental issue}\newline Explaining the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors has been a fundamental issue after BCS theory proposed in 20th century.& \ding{174} Problem \newline \textbf{ambiguous} \newline For a wave packet with a spread in wavenumber $k$, some \emph{ambiguity} arises in the values of the phase and group velocities because of the spread in $k$, but, for narrow packets in $k$ space, the uncertainties in these values are small \cite{intro1}. \\
    \ding{173} p.35 Verbs to present current research\newline \textbf{prove}\newline This paper proves the Riemann-Zeta hypothesis. & \ding{173} Verbs used to present previous research\newline \textbf{indicate} \newline With the increased current, investigations \emph{indicated} that wear is associated with the intensification of the abrasive properties of the metal counterbody surface \cite{intro2}.\\
    \ding{174} p.37 Problem\newline \textbf{computationally demanding, an alternative approach}\newline Since the simulation method in the previous researches are \emph{computationally demanding}, \emph{an alternative approach} was needed for this paper.& \ding{175} The present work \newline \textbf{propose, discuss, this paper} \newline \emph{This paper proposes} and \emph{discusses} a definition of internal energy \cite{intro3}.\\





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\usepackage{amsmath} % math
\usepackage{amssymb} % math
\usepackage{graphicx} % to use \includegraphics{}
\usepackage{diagbox} % to make tables
\usepackage{bm, array, booktabs, pifont,tabularx}
        \multicolumn{1}{c}{from the textbook}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{from the articles}\\
    \ding{172} p.34 Explaining significance\newline \textbf{fundamental issue}\newline Explaining the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors has been a fundamental issue after BCS theory proposed in 20th century.
  & \ding{174} Problem \newline \textbf{ambiguous} \newline For a wave packet with a spread in wavenumber $k$, some \emph{ambiguity} arises in the values of the phase and group velocities because of the spread in $k$, but, for narrow packets in $k$ space, the uncertainties in these values are small \cite{intro1}. \\

    \ding{173} p.35 Verbs to present current research\newline \textbf{prove}\newline This paper proves the Riemann-Zeta hypothesis. 
    & \ding{173} Verbs used to present previous research\newline \textbf{indicate} \newline With the increased current, investigations \emph{indicated} that wear is associated with the intensification of the abrasive properties of the metal counterbody surface \cite{intro2}.\\

    \ding{174} p.37 Problem\newline \textbf{computationally demanding, an alternative approach}\newline Since the simulation method in the previous researches are \emph{computationally demanding}, \emph{an alternative approach} was needed for this paper.& 
    \ding{175} The present work \newline \textbf{propose, discuss, this paper} \newline \emph{This paper proposes} and \emph{discusses} a definition of internal energy \cite{intro3}.\\






\usepackage{amsmath} % math
\usepackage{amssymb} % math
\usepackage{graphicx} % to use \includegraphics{}
\usepackage{diagbox} % to make tables
\usepackage{bm, array, booktabs, pifont,tabularx}
        \multicolumn{1}{c}{from the textbook}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{from the articles}\\
    \ding{172} p.34 Explaining significance\newline \textbf{fundamental issue}\newline Explaining the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors has been a fundamental issue after BCS theory proposed in 20th century.
  & \ding{174} Problem \newline \textbf{ambiguous} \newline For a wave packet with a spread in wavenumber $k$, some \emph{ambiguity} arises in the values of the phase and group velocities because of the spread in $k$, but, for narrow packets in $k$ space, the uncertainties in these values are small \cite{intro1}. \\

    \ding{173} p.35 Verbs to present current research\newline \textbf{prove}\newline This paper proves the Riemann-Zeta hypothesis. 
    & \ding{173} Verbs used to present previous research\newline \textbf{indicate} \newline With the increased current, investigations \emph{indicated} that wear is associated with the intensification of the abrasive properties of the metal counterbody surface \cite{intro2}.\\

    \ding{174} p.37 Problem\newline \textbf{computationally demanding, an alternative approach}\newline Since the simulation method in the previous researches are \emph{computationally demanding}, \emph{an alternative approach} was needed for this paper.& 
    \ding{175} The present work \newline \textbf{propose, discuss, this paper} \newline \emph{This paper proposes} and \emph{discusses} a definition of internal energy \cite{intro3}.\\








\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{from the textbook}&\multicolumn{1}{c|}{from the articles}\\
\ding{172} p.34 Explaining significance\newline \textbf{fundamental issue}\newline Explaining the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors has been a fundamental issue after BCS theory proposed in 20th century.& \ding{174} Problem \newline \textbf{ambiguous} \newline For a wave packet with a spread in wavenumber $k$, some \emph{ambiguity} arises in the values of the phase and group velocities because of the spread in $k$, but, for narrow packets in $k$ space, the uncertainties in these values are small \cite{intro1}. \\
\ding{173} p.35 Verbs to present current research\newline \textbf{prove}\newline This paper proves the Riemann-Zeta hypothesis. & \ding{173} Verbs used to present previous research\newline \textbf{indicate} \newline With the increased current, investigations \emph{indicated} that wear is associated with the intensification of the abrasive properties of the metal counterbody surface \cite{intro2}.\\
\ding{174} p.37 Problem\newline \textbf{computationally demanding, an alternative approach}\newline Since the simulation method in the previous researches are \emph{computationally demanding}, \emph{an alternative approach} was needed for this paper.& \ding{175} The present work \newline \textbf{propose, discuss, this paper} \newline \emph{This paper proposes} and \emph{discusses} a definition of internal energy \cite{intro3}.\\






  \item[] From the textbook
    \item[\ding{172}] p.34 Explaining significance\newline \textbf{fundamental issue}\newline Explaining the mechanisms of high-temperature superconductors has been a fundamental issue after BCS theory proposed in 20th century.
    \item[\ding{173}] p.35 Verbs to present current research\newline \textbf{prove}\newline This paper proves the Riemann-Zeta hypothesis.
    \item[\ding{174}] p.37 Problem\newline \textbf{computationally demanding, an alternative approach}\newline Since the simulation method in the previous researches are \emph{computationally demanding}, \emph{an alternative approach} was needed for this paper.
  \item[] From the articles
    \item[\ding{174}] Problem \newline \textbf{ambiguous} \newline For a wave packet with a spread in wavenumber $k$, some \emph{ambiguity} arises in the values of the phase and group velocities because of the spread in $k$, but, for narrow packets in $k$ space, the uncertainties in these values are small \cite{intro1}.
    \item[\ding{173}] Verbs used to present previous research\newline \textbf{indicate} \newline With the increased current, investigations \emph{indicated} that wear is associated with the intensification of the abrasive properties of the metal counterbody surface \cite{intro2}.
    \item[\ding{175}] The present work \newline \textbf{propose, discuss, this paper} \newline \emph{This paper proposes} and \emph{discusses} a definition of internal energy \cite{intro3}.

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