带有 2 条线的箱线图统计数据

带有 2 条线的箱线图统计数据



 \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8}% version


\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline  centre de classe & 0.5 & 1.5  &  2.5 &  3.5 &  4.5 & 5.5
                          \\\hline effectif   &  2  &3 &4  &5  &2
                        & 1\\\hline


  % % % % % % %
  % % % % % % % %  i need to do this % % % % % % %
  \begin{axis}[y=1.5cm, ymax=2]
  table[row sep=\\,y index=0] {
      0.5 \\ 0.5 \\ 1.5  \\ 1.5  \\1.5  \\ 2.5 \\ 2.5 \\2.5 \\2.5 \\  3.5\\ 3.5\\3.5\\3.5\\3.5\\  4.5 \\  4.5 \\5.5 \\                            
  node at
    (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower whisker},1)
    {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower whisker}}}
  node at
    (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower quartile},1)
    {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower quartile}}}
  node[left] at
    (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{median},0.5)
  node at
    (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper quartile},1)
    {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper quartile}}}
  node at
    (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper whisker},1)
    {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper whisker}}}



\usepackage[francais]{babel}% pour avoir \addto
 \newcommand*\eaddto[2]{% version développée de \addto


    \foreach \x in {1,...,2}   
                    {\eaddto\essai{ 0.5  \symbol{92} \symbol{92} }}  
        \foreach \x in {1,...,3}   
                          {\eaddto\essai{ 1.5  \symbol{92} \symbol{92} }}    
      \foreach \x in {1,...,4}   
                              {\eaddto\essai{ 2.5  \symbol{92} \symbol{92} }}                             
      \foreach \x in {1,...,5}   
               {\eaddto\essai{ 3.5  \symbol{92} \symbol{92} }}

            \foreach \x in {1,...,2}   
                        {\eaddto\essai{ 4.5  \symbol{92} \symbol{92} }}

因此,\essai给出“ 0.5 \ 0.5 \ 1.5 \1.5 \1.5 .....”但我不知道如何在箱线图上下文中使用它




% % % % % % % % % stats
\usepackage{pgfplots} % Use tikzpicture for the diagrams
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.12}% Unbedingt unmittelbar nach dem Laden von 
                         % eines aktuellen pgfplots zu bevorzugen!
\usepgfplotslibrary{statistics}% pgf-Libraries besser so laden

% % % % % % % % set comma for french decimal separator
\pgfset{/pgf/number format/dec sep={,}}
 \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd, set decimal separator={,},set thousands separator={\ }}   

%\FPseed=1237 % TRÈS IMPORTANT pour compilations multiples avec le même sujet d'initialiser toujours le même nombre aléatoire.




 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline Durée t (en h)&  $ \mathopen{[} 0 ;  1\mathopen{[} $ &
                   $\mathopen{[} 1 ; 2\mathopen{[} $ & $\mathopen{[} 2;3\mathopen{[} $ & $\mathopen{[} 3; 4\mathopen{[} $ &  $\mathopen{[} 4 ;5\mathopen{[} $ & $\mathopen{[} 5
                   ;6$ & $\mathopen{[} 6 ; 7\mathopen{[} $ & Total---  \\\hline Effectif & \tempsA & \tempsB  & \tempsC  & \tempsD  & \tempsE  & \tempsF
                   & \tempsG  &   \\\hline Centre de classe $x_i$ & 0,5    & 1,5  & 2,5  & 3,5    & 4,5 
                   & 5,5  & 6,5 & \cellcolor{gray}\\\hline



   % % % % % % % % % % % %
%   new table , one for each column  
                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={0.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={1.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={2.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={3.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={4.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={5.5}},

                   % define how the ’new’ column shall be filled:
                   create on use/new/.style={create col/expr={6.5}},

% % % % % % %
% % add each column to the first one % % % % %               
                \pgfplotstablevertcat{\table}{\tableA} % loads ‘tableA’ -> ‘\table’





% % % % % % % see \table               
  \pgfplotstabletypeset\table       \par       
                                                                                                       \textbf{Construire } la boite à moustache .

% % % % % %  seems uncessary here, but needed in my final .tex in french
        [boxplot/draw direction=x, y=1.5cm,ymax=2,
        boxplot/average=auto, boxplot/every average/.style={mark=},
      %   [y=1.5cm, ymax=2,
         ytick={1,3,...,9}, xtick={0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5}, xticklabels={0.5, 1.5, 2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5},
         someline/.style={ultra thick,red}
      \addplot+[boxplot] table[y=new]\table coordinate (A) at (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{average}, 0.5)
      node at
          (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower whisker},1.25)
         {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower whisker}}} 
      node at
        (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower quartile},1.25)
        {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower quartile}}} 
         node at
            (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper quartile},1.25)
           {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper quartile}}}           
           node at
              (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper whisker},1)
              {\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper whisker}}}
       node[left] at
           (boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{median},0.5)         



因此,在我的 .tex 中为每个学生进行自动多项选择和更正是可以的。 带有列表和箱线图的表格
