如何使用 splitbib 创建全面的参考书目?

如何使用 splitbib 创建全面的参考书目?

我需要将我的参考书目分成几个部分。biblatex软件包完全符合我的需求,但不幸的是,不支持我的定制磷灰石风格。因此,我不得不求助于splitbib包。然而,真正令人恼火的是,它splitbib要求定义要包含在参考书目中的每个来源。由于我正在写一本有数百个参考文献的书,因此手动定义命令\SBentries{}对我来说不是一个选择。biblatex有一个非常酷的功能,可以通过引用.bib文件中的关键字来分离 bib 条目。是否有类似的选项可以用关键字定义的复合条目splitbib替换单个条目?\SBentries{}


\begin{category}[A]{First Category}
\begin{category}[B]{Second Category}
  author =       {Name1, Surname1},
  title =        {Title of the first book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2017},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name2, Surname2},
  title =        {Title of the second book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2016},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name3, Surname3},
  title =        {This is the title of first article in the Second category},
  journal =      {Name of the Journal},
  year =         {2017},
  volume =       {01},
  number =       {12},
  pages =        {1-20},
  keywords =     {secondcategory}
I split my bibliography in two section by using the splitbib package. Authors \cite{B1,B2} with the keyword "firstcategory" in the bib. file should appear in the First Category and authors \cite{A1} with the keyword "secondcategory" should appear in the Second Category.
